Baby Anatomy
Baby facts

What color are a newborn’s eyes usually at birth?

A. Brown

B. Blue or gray

C. Green

D. Hazel

B. Blue or gray

What is the most common first word spoken by babies?

A. Mama

B. Dada

C. Bye-bye

D. No

B. Dada


By what age can babies start to understand simple words and phrases?

A. 6 months

B. 3 months

C. 9 months

D. 12 months

A. 6 months


When is Lucy’s Birthday? 

A. June 1st

B. June 21st

C. July 1st

D. July 21st

B. June 21st


Which of these body parts is larger in proportion to a baby’s body compared to an adult’s?

A. Hands

B. Feet

C. Head

D. Knees

C. Head


How long does a newborn typically sleep each day?

A. 8-10 hours

B. 10-12 hours

C. 12-14 hours

D. 16-18 hours

D. 16-18 hours


At what age can most babies hold their head up without support?

A. 1-2 months

B. 7-8 months 

C. 5-6 months

D. 3-4 months

D. 3-4 months 


When is the due date? 

A. September 10th 

B. September 1st

C. August 28th 

D. August 30th 

A. September 10th


How many bones does a baby have at birth? 

A. 270

B. 206

C. 200

D. 220

A. 270


How many diapers does the average baby use in their first year?

A. 1,000

B. 2,500

C. 3,500

D. 5,000

C. 3,500


How much does a baby’s brain grow in the first year?

A. It stays the same size

B. It doubles in size

C. It triples in size

D. It grows by 50%


B. It doubles in size 


What is Lucy’s typical bed time 

A. 8pm

B. 9:30pm 

C. 11pm

D. 10:30pm

D. 10:30pm


Which part of a baby’s body grows the fastest in the first year of life?

The Brain


What percentage of babies are born on their due date?

A. 4%

B. 10%

C. 20%

D. 25%

A. 4%


By what age does a baby’s brain reach about 80% of adult size?

A. By age 1

B. By age 2

C. By age 3

D. By age 4

C. By age 3


What year was Lucy born? 

A. 2000

B. 1999

C. 2001

D. 2003

C. 2001


What is the soft spot on a baby’s head called?

 The fontanelle


At what age do most babies start to smile socially?

A. 2 weeks

B. 6 weeks

C. 10 weeks

D. 14 weeks

B. 6 weeks


How far can newborns typically see?

A. 2-4 inches

B. 8-12 inches

C. 16-20 inches

D. 24-28 inches

B. 8-12 inches


What was Lucy’s first Job? 

A. Kneaders 

B. Lehi legacy center 

C. Tranont

D. Panda Express 

A. Kneaders