Baby Things
Things About Dad
Things About Mom
Nursery Rhymes
Baby Traditions Around The World

What word is this "R E I F I C A P"?

What is pacifier?


Aaron was born in this US State.

What is Texas?


What was mom's full name at birth?

What is Heather LeAnn Brekhus?


This animal is known for its determination and climbing up spouts.

What's the itsy bitsy spider?


In which culture do the new mothers give gifts of candy, candles, or other knick-knacks to visitors while the new mothers are still in the maternity ward?

What is the Brazilian culture? 


In 2023, this month was the most popular birthday month in the US.

What is August?

322,359 births in 2023


Aaron was born on this day in July.

What is the 24th?

Heather was born on the 30th of which month.

What is August?


This blew off the top of the spaghetti when someone sneezed.

What is my poor meatball?


In this culture, there is an Arrival Celebration known as the Red Egg and Ginger Party after the first 30 days of rest.

What is the Chinese Culture?


This is the first sense a baby develops after birth.

What is Touch?


Aaron's birth weight was close to a whole number, was it closest to- 

- 8 lbs

- 9 lbs 

- 10 lbs

- 11 lbs

What is 10 lbs? 

He was born at 9 lbs 10 oz.


Not a surprise, but how many days LATE was Heather after her due date?

What is 7 days late?!? Poor mom


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; when he fell off the wall, who couldn't put him back together?

What are All the king's horses and all the king's men?

In which cultural tradition do the new moms stay inside, with their skin completely covered for 6 weeks after the baby is born?

What is the Latin American Culture?

Also known as "la cuarentena"


This is how far a baby can see after birth.

What is 8-12 inches?


Fun Fact: Both Heather and Aaron were born via c-section. While Heather was due to breech, Aaron was due to this.

What are Large shoulders? 

Though he nearly was breech too!


Heather was born with some part of her body dislocated, which was it?

What are her hips?


Why did old mother Hubbard go to the cupboard?

What is "To get her poor dog a bone"?


In which culture is it traditional of naming the baby on the 7th day after birth alongside a ceremony?

What is the Japanese Culture?

This is called Oshichiva.


Babies are born with about ____ bones in their body.

What is 275-300 bones?


During the family's move, Deb carried around Aaron in this unusual temporary bed to protect him from being packed by the movers.

What is a drawer?


What was Heather's birth weight and length?

What is 8lbs 12 oz and 21.5"?


What are little girls made of?

What is sugar, spice, and all things nice?


In which two East African countries do the new mothers wear porridge masks mixed with groundwood, water, and oil during the first seven days?

What is Malawi and Madagascar?

This is called a Masonjoany mask.