The name for a baby owl
What is the current price for a 31 pack of Huggies newborn diapers at Target?
$10.39 (Must be within $2 of the correct price)
On average, how many diapers will a baby go through from birth to potty training?
6,000-9,000 diapers
In these places, parents commonly put their babies down for a nap outdoors because babies may get better sleep while being exposed to fresh air.
Denmark, Iceland, or any other Nordic country
How much wool did the black sheep have?
3 bags full
The name for a baby hedgehog
Piglet or Pup
What is the current price for a 30oz Similac Advance formula at Target?
$35.99 (must be within $3)
What color was used for boys in the early 1900's?
In this country parents have to stick to a list of accepted names approved by the government when filling out a birth certificate.
What grows in Mary's garden?
Silver bells and cockle shells
The name for a baby beaver
Kitten or Kit
What is the current price for a two pack of Gerber baby food puree at Target?
$1.89 (Must be within $0.20)
What is the first sense a baby develops?
In this country babies' heads are shaved at some point in the first year of life, in the belief that this eliminates all bad luck and promotes brain development
What did the dish run away with?
The spoon
The name for a baby monkey
What is the current price for a 56 count pack of Huggies wipes at Target?
$2.26 (Must be within $1)
Babies are born without which body part?
In this country babies get everything they need before leaving the hospital, all neatly packaged in a small box. The box usually contains bodysuits, diapers, a sleeping bag, outdoor gear and swimwear.
What couldn't Jack Sprat eat?
The name for a baby oyster
What is the current price for 13.5 oz of Cetaphil Baby Lotion at Target?
$9.99 (Must be within $2)
What was the heaviest recorded baby at birth?
22lbs (must be within 2lbs)
In this country mothers are told not let their babies see their own reflections in the mirror until they are christened
What did Jack Horner eat in the corner?
Christmas pie