Britney Spears' first hit song
What is "Baby One More Time"?
All babies are born with this colour eyes
What is Blue?
What is Bottle?
Steph's middle name
What is Krista?
Sean's profession
What is Teacher?
A Mariah Carey ballad
What is "Always Be My Baby"?
First sense a baby develops
What is Hearing?
What is Lullaby?
Steph's pregnancy craving
What is Soft-boiled eggs
Sean's favourite beverage
What is Chocolate Milk?
Cold 90's hit
What is "Ice Ice Baby"?
Infants first recognize this colour
What is Red?
What is Swaddle?
The dinner Steph eats 6/7 nights a week
What is Pesto Pasta?
The country Sean taught in for 2 years
What is Malaysia?
My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun
What is "Baby Got Back"?
Number of bones a baby is born with
What is 300?
What is Pacifier?
Steph's favourite colour that she would never wear
What is yellow
What is Dungeons and Dragons?
Popular Christmas time hit
What is "Baby Its Cold Outside"?
Body part babies are born without
What is Kneecaps?
What is Bassinet?
Steph has climbed this mountain which is considered one of the seven summits
What is Mount Kilimanjaro
Sean's age
What is 30?