Do babies have more bones than adults?
How far a newborn can see, in inches?
8 to 14 inches
What is the most accurate tool to take a newborn's temperature with?
Rectal Thermometer
In what trimester is a pregnant woman most likely to experience morning sickness?
First trimester
What is the term used in pregnancy when a woman has a decreased number of red blood cells?
On average, how many hours a day does a newborn sleep?
16-17 hours
What is the first color babies can see?
Babies should be put to sleep on their stomach, side, or back?
Of the five senses which does an unborn baby develop first in the womb?
A spinal anesthesia is also known as what?
How many diapers does an average baby use in thousands?
~ 8000
What is the age a baby starts to smile, in weeks?
6 to 8
You should wait to give the baby a tub bath until...
The umbilical cord fall off
How many extra calories per day should a pregnant woman consume during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters?
~ 300
How early can you detect a baby's heartbeat with a doppler?
5 weeks
How many tastes buds are babies born with?
On average, how many times does a baby laugh per day?
300 times
What are the first thick, black, tar-like poops of a newborn called?
What hormone do pregnancy tests detect?
hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin
What is it called when a fetus is deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen?
How many bones are babies born with?
about 300 bones
What is the age babies form kneecaps, in months?
6 months
Babies develop the taste for salt around what age, in months?
If a pregnant woman's first day of her last period was March 1st what is her estimated due date?
Dec. 6
What is the name of the 'love' hormone that plays an important role in childbirth?