This orange vegetable is often one of the first foods introduced to babies because it is rich in vitamins.
Sweet Potato
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This item is used to feed a baby
Baby Bottle
Bobby Won Zee
Baby Onesie
This lullaby involves a cradle in a tree, where the wind blows and the cradle will fall. What is the name of the song?
Rock-a-bye Baby
This is typically one of the first words babies say, especially as they begin to learn to communicate with their parents.
Mama or Dada
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This item is used to store dirty diapers, until they are taken out to the garbage.
Diaper Genie
Krib Moh-Beel
Crib Mobile
This classic song is often sung to children, featuring verses about the sounds and movements of a bus.
The Wheels on the Bus
This is the common term for a baby’s sleep cycle, which includes several stages of light and deep sleep.
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This item helps keep your baby warm, especially in the first few months, and can often be found wrapped around them like a small blanket
Bully Lie
This song includes the line, "Hush, my darling, don't fear my darling, the lion sleeps tonight."
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
This is the name of the baby shampoo brand known for its gentle formula and iconic yellow bottle.
Johnson's Baby
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This handy item allows babies to be carried close to the parent’s chest while leaving their hands free
A Baby Carrier
Nerthing Pellow
This lullaby promises various gifts to a baby if they don’t cry.
Hush, Little Baby
This reflex, which disappears after a few months, causes a baby to extend their arms when they are startled or feel a sudden change in position.
Moro Reflex
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This item helps babies transition from a bottle to drinking from a regular cup
A Zippy Cup
Diner Jeany
Diaper Genie
This song, often sung to soothe babies, includes the lyrics, ‘You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away.’ It has been recorded by artists from various genres, including country and pop.
You Are My Sunshine