Baby Animals
Baby Names
Baby Powers!
Animated Babies
Celebrity Babies
This is a baby cat.
What is a kitten?
Probably in part due to Catholic naming conventions, this most popular girl's name was more than twice as common as the second ranked name in the US until the 1930's.
What is "Mary"?
Babies are often born with this eye color, even if they later develop a different color for which they are genetically predisposed.
What is "blue"?
This baby was presented by a mandril in the opening sequence of a certain Disney film.
Who is Simba?
This heavyweight boxer gave his five sons (one of his daughters) his own given name.
Who is George Foreman?
This is the first stage of a baby frog or toad.
What is a tadpole?
This four letter girl's name was ranked #3 in the 1880's, but fell to the mid #300's by the 1970's.  It jumped back up to become the most popular girl's name in 2015.
What is "Emma"?
Newborn babies have reflexes for grasping and sucking, but strangely also reflexes that mimic this ability when placed in water.
What is "swimming"?
This animated baby would be 31 years old today in her show's new episodes if she aged at all.
Who is Maggie Simpson?
This ordinal baby name belongs to the child of Kim Kardashian and a certain rapper.
Who is North West?
This word refers to a baby opossum, koala, or kangaroo.
What is a joey?
The Russian name "Ivan" shares a common origin with which English name?
What is "John"?
Because they consist of the first sounds babies typically develop, these two words (or very similar ones) are shared across many unrelated languages.
What are "mama" and "papa"?
This actor voiced the baby protagonist of a 2017 film.
Who is Alec Baldwin?
This comedian named his daughter "Zelda" in homage to the video game
Who is Robin Williams?
It's a baby grasshopper, or a Greek nature deity.
What is a nymph?
This girl's name comes from the Greek for "honeybee".
Who is Melissa?
Babies can be expected to begin walking at roughly this age?
What is 12 months?
This superhero baby featured in a 2004 Disney/Pixar film.
Who is "Jack-Jack Parr"?
Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin gave their child this fruity name.
Who is Apple?
This word is often used to refer to a baby platypus. No, it has nothing to do with Harry Potter or toy dogs.
What is a puggle?

The top ranked boy's name in the United States in every year has ether been biblical or the name of a King of England, except for this one. (a certain fictional king did share this name, however)

What is "Robert"?

(#1 from 1924-1939 and 1953)

Because this regulatory process isn't yet developed, young babies tend to have irregular sleep schedules.
What is the circadian rhythm or biological clock?
A baby co-starred with a rabbit in this 1988 semi-animated film.
What is "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"?
Nicolas Cage and his wife's child shares this name with a certain superhero.
Who is Kal-El?