Name of a baby polar bear?
Justin Bieber worldwide hit?
Baby ft. Ludacris
Who is Miley Cyrus' famous parent?
Billy Ray Cyrus
All babies are born with this eye color?
The mouse ran up the clock?
Hickory Dickory Dock
Name of a baby beaver?
pup, kit, kitten
Britney Spears' first hit song?
...Baby One More Time
Who is Hailey Bieber related to?
Alec Baldwin
First sense a baby develops?
If that mockingbird don't sing, papa's gonna buy you a _______.
diamond ring
Name of a baby Tasmanian devil?
Chilly 90's rap hit?
Ice Ice Baby
Who are Maya Hawke's famous parents? (Stranger Things star)
Mom Uma Thurman
Dad Ethan Hawke
What color do infants first recognize?
One time for the ___, one time for the ___, one for the ___ who lives down the lane.
master, dame, little boy
Name of a baby hawk?
Don't want none unless you've got buns hun?
Baby Got Back
Who is Emma Roberts related to?
Julia Roberts, Emma's aunt!
Body part babies are born without?
Knee caps
What did Little Miss Muffet eat on her tuffet?
curds & whey
Name for a tadpole that hasn't grown legs yet?
Bruno Mars might be worried about this?
Runaway Baby
Who is Judy Garland's daughter?
Liza Minnelli
What does the term 'infant' mean in Latin?
'unable to speak'
Who ran away with the spoon?