A baby goat
What is a kid?
Though the actual date is debated among historians, this famous baby's birthday is traditionally celebrated at the end of December!
Who is baby Jesus?
This 2010 single by Justin Bieber has the word "baby" in it 56 times!
What is Baby?
This body part accounts for about a quarter of a newborn's weight!
What is the Head?
These showers bring May Flowers.
What are April Showers?
A baby Kangaroo
What is a joey?
This royal baby, born in 2013, is third in line for the English throne
Who is Prince George?
A 2019 kids song that the Nationals used as their anthem to win the World Series
What is Baby Shark?
Babies are born without this part of their leg
What are Kneecaps?
Yikes! The pipes in the showers of Ancient Rome were made from this harmful metal.
What is Lead?
A baby horse
What is a foal?
This pop superstar caused a media frenzy when he dangled his third baby, Blanket, off the fifth story balcony of a Berlin hotel.
Who is Michael Jackson
This hit from 1990 got into trouble for sampling the bass line from "Under Pressure" without crediting David Bowie and Queen!
What is Ice Ice Baby
The first sense a baby develops
What is Hearing
Alfred Hitchcock directed this 1960 film, including the infamous shower scene!
What is Psycho?
A baby swan
What is a cygnet?
"Ewe" won't believe it! This baby's birth in 1996 was hailed as a major scientific breakthrough.
Who is Dolly the Sheep?
This 1977 song by Player featured in a 2008 commercial for Swiffer
What is Baby Come Back?
Parents should wait until this happens before giving a newborn a bath
What is umbilical cord falling off
These kind of showers include the Perseids and the Geminids.
What are Meteor Showers?
A baby fox (not pup or cub!)
What is a kit?
Who is Mowgli?
This is a hit by the pop star who shared a kiss with Madonna at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards
What is Come On Over Baby?
Babies recognize their mom's voice at birth, but it takes them this long to recognize their dad's voice.
What is two weeks?
This method of showering involves turning off the water while lathering.
What is a Navy Shower/combat shower/ G.I. Bath?