"Yes sir, Yes sir, three bags full," is the second line in this popular nursery rhyme.
What is Baa Baa Black Sheep?
This is the date that Jadyn was born.
What is May 18th, 1995?
This is Tyler's favorite soft drink.
What is Baja Blast Mountain Dew?
The most used baby item for a newborn.
What is diapers?
This is the name for a baby pig.
What is a piglet?
Five of these animals couldn't stop jumping on the bed, often falling off and bumping their head.
What are Monkeys?
This is Jadyn's favorite color.
What is Purple?
This is the date Tyler was born.
What is November 15th, 1994?
The average weight of a newborn baby.
What is 7 pounds?
The name for a baby horse.
What is a foal?
"Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky" is a line from this popular nursery rhyme.
What is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star?
This drink is Jadyn's favorite soft drink.
What is Dr. Pepper?
This is Tyler's favorite color.
What is Blue?
The average age at which babies begin to walk.
What is 12 months old?
What is a lamb?
What is "Mary, Had a Little Lamb?"
The age Jadyn is in this photo.
What is 11 months?
The age that Tyler is in this photo.
What is 18 months?
This is the age range where babies often smile for the first time.
What is 6-8 weeks?
The name for a baby frog.
What is a tadpole?
"Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, life is but a dream", is a line from this popular song and nursery rhyme.
What is Row, Row, Row Your Boat?
This is how much Jadyn weighed at birth.
What is 7 lbs 4.5 ounces.
This is the time of day that Tyler was born.
What is 1:33 a.m.?
The age babies begin to say their first words.
What is 12 months?
The name for a baby goat.
What is kid?