What baby animal is born blind?
Tiger cubs- Tiger cubs are born blind and follow the scent of their mother. The stripes on their fur are also on their skin!
What is something that babies cannot produce until around week 3 or so?
Who is the older celebrity female to give birth?
Janet Jackson- 50
How do animal uses teamwork to increase their chances of survival even before they hatch?
Baby turtles, that teamwork begins before they hatch. Researchers discovered that turtles make sounds while still inside their eggs to communicate with other babies. Chirps and grunts help to coordinate hatching as a survival mechanism to avoid predators like birds or crocodile
What is the common blood type among newborn babies?
O positive
What Celebrity is considered to have the most children?
Who is Lou Salvador- Fathered 102 Children with 48 women
-Lou was a Filipino basketball player, stage actor, and talent manager
Which bird species names their chicks at birth?
Baby Parrots- Baby parrots receive a name at birth and respond to that call for the rest of their lives!
How many bones does a baby have at birth?
300 ( more than adults )
Top baby Names for 2024 according to USA today?
Girl Olivia
Boy Noah
What is an mammalian animal babies called?
cubs, kits, pups, or whelps
What are 80% of Babies born with?
Birthmarks - Did you know that birthmarks occur during labour
Who is the oldest Celebrity father?
Al Pacino- 83
2nd oldest Robert De Niro- 70
What animal has the longest gestational period?
The Elephant- they carry their young for 18-22 months.
What are babies born without that are developed by month 6 of their life?
What Celebrity named one child after a fruit and another child after a prophet?
Who is Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin?
Daughter- Apple
Son- Moses