If you could get rid of one thing from her wardrobe what would it be?
Those jeans that the legs are super wide and baggy just horrible.
What was Reid’s first pet?
Rufus a total mutt dog
Where was your first date?
Lime Lake
All About Her
What is Brittany’s biggest pet peeve?
When I watch Seinfeld or Brady’s long nails or when I wear crocs inside
What is the thing you love the most about Brittany?
Her personality, cooking, and body.
How old was Reid when he had his first kiss?
Who said I love you first? Where were you?
Um I think me. Jackson County
All About Him
What is Reid’s least favorite household chore?
What is the most annoying thing about Brittany?
Either long hair in sink or socks on ground
What is Reid’s biggest fear?
Who is the better cook?
All About Them
Who initiated your first kiss together?
What is the best gift Brittany has ever gotten you?
What did Reid want to be when he grew up?
Garbage man
Who is the better driver?
All About Him
Who is Reid’s celebrity crush?
Jennifer Aniston
What is Brittany’s favorite thing to do in her leisure time?
Work out
If you could get rid of one thing from Reid’s wardrobe what would it be?
What are you looking forward to after you’re married?
All About Them
What is the best date you two went on?