What is the bride's birthday?
What is May 29.
What is James' favorite color?
What is green.
Who is the Maid of Honor?
what are the Three colors of the wedding?
Dusty Blue, Tan, Brown
Brad Pitt has been married to two famous actresses. Who are they?
Who is: Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie.
How many photos does the bride have
in their camera roll?
What is the Grooms middle name?
What is Clayton.
Who is the best man?
Who is Len.
Where is the wedding at?
What is the River Oaks Garden Club.
Where was James and Shalee Engaged at and how long have they been dating?
Where is Hawaii, and 8 years.
How many siblings does the bride have total?
What is 1.
What is the Grooms Favorite Food?
What is Fettuccini Alfredo, or Spaghetti and Meatballs.
How many bridesmaids and groomsmen are there total.
What is 6.
What time is wedding?
What is 4pm
Finish this phrase: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and…”
What is: "and a sixpence in your shoe."
What is the bride’s shoe size?
What is James' favorite Show every Sunday?
What is F1.
what is the grooms moms name?
Who will be walking Shalee Down the Isle?
Who is Noone.
Who said "I love you" first
What is the bride’s coffee order?
Strawberries and Crème Frappuccino
How many girlfriends has James Had?
What is Three.
Who has know shalee the longest out of the bridesmaids and how long has she known her.
Ashley - 6 years old
What is the most common flower at the venue?
What is an Azalea.
"Love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing your mind." What movie is this from?
What is the Movie: 27 Dresses