What is Audrey’s middle name?
What is the most popular location for destination weddings?
Las Vegas
When did Max propose to Audrey?
What is the wedding date?
June 8, 2024
How many people total are in the wedding party?
When is Audrey’s birthday? (mm/dd/yy)
February 26, 2001
What is the most popular flower used in American weddings?
Where did Audrey and Max meet?
The Auburn Student Center
What is the name of the venue the reception is at?
B&A Warehouse
Who is the oldest member in the wedding party?
What is Audrey’s favorite drink?
Who started the white wedding dress trend in the Western world?
Queen Victoria (in her wedding to Prince Albert)
When did they start dating?
October 2020
How many people are invited to the wedding (+/- 20)?
Which wedding party member will get the drunkest? Audrey and Max both gave an answer.
Audrey: Anna Lee
Max: Abbe
What is Audrey’s favorite thing to do for fun?
Playing with Koda
Women have worn wedding rings for thousands of years. When did men begin wearing them?
World War II-- It was a way men could remember their wives during the war.
When did they adopt Koda?
September 2023
Where is the rehearsal dinner?
Leaf & Petal
Who will be the first bridal party member to cry? Audrey and Max both gave an answer.
Audrey: MC
Max: Pete
What is Audrey’s worst fear/phobia?
Bridges over water
What culture began to exchanging of rings?
Egyptians, as a sign of devotion
Where is their favorite date spot?
Hiking at Chewacla
What is the couple's first dance song? Bonus point for getting the artist!
Leon Bridges
Outside of family, who has known Audrey the longest and who has known Max the longest from the wedding party? Bonus point if you can get both correct!
Audrey: Sarah
Max: Trent