Where do my coat and backpack belong?
What role will be in charge of changing jobs?
Job Master
Before you go to the bathroom/get water, you must...
...answer will vary by teacher
What do I do if I have something to say during a lesson?
Raise my hand.
What voice level is the entire dismissal done at?
1 only if you are whispering to someone near you.
There should be ATLEAST ____ pencils sharpened in my desk each morning.
How long do you keep your job before the Job Masters change it?
2 weeks
When you sign out for the bathroom, you need to write your _________, today's _________, and the _______.
Name, date, time
What are the rules for lining up?
(answer varies by teacher)
After you put yours supply away, get your lunch box, and backpack.... what do you do?
Where do I find my Do Now folder?
Where does it go when Do Now time is over?
inside my desk
If I forget what my responsibility is for my class job, how can I find out what I have to do?
look at the job description
True or False
We will take a class restroom break after lunch each day.
(answer will vary by teacher)
What are the hallway expectations?
Bonus 200 points: what are the consequences if hallway expectations are not met?
2 on the blue, voices off, hands to self, no line gaps, no crowding the person in front of you.
Bonus: varies by teacher
Which is something you CAN NOT do at the end of the day?
A. Read
B. Draw/ Sketch
C. Walk around the room
C. Walk around the room
What do you in the morning after you hang up your jacket and backpack?
Go to your seat and work on Do Now folder
Who is responsible for cleaning up at the end of the day?
every single person
True or False
The teacher will be me use the restroom right after we come back from specials.
What do I do if I finish work early?
A) do whatever I want
B) play on the computer
C) early finisher work
D) incomplete work
E) go talk to my friends
F) read silently
What do you do before you leave the room?
Put your chair up.
True or False
I should be doing my morning work quietly each day?
Who is in charge of wiping down tables, doorknobs, and light switches each day? What job?
Clean Up Crew
When is the best time to use the bathroom?
During independent work time
What is the usual CHAMPS for independent work?
varies by teacher
True or False:
When I'm dismissed I go find my friend, linger in the hallway, and then run down the hall when I decide to leave.
I go right to my destination, I can wait for my friend outside. I walk calmly down the hall because I have self-control.