What do you do when you need something?
Raise my hand!
Can we get water or go to the bathroom during teaching time?
We should wait for a break if possible or go quickly...
How long should it take me to do my check-in?
2 minutes
During Daily Practice I should work by myself
True or False
True- Ms. Nagrant can see what I know :)
On Fridays, we have _________!
Fun Fridays! We combine classes :)
What do you look like if you’re ready to learn?
Sitting in my space, eyes on the speaker, voice at a zero, iPad closed!
What do when we do not feel well?
Tell a teacher or staff member.
How do we vote for the ice-breaker?
Raise our hand high. Vote Once.
During IEP Days i should be working ______________.
Independently or by myself.
If I am talking about another student (English or Spanish) and am being disrespectful/mean, what could happen?
Ms. Nagrant can call home, write a referral, or ask you to work in the hallway.
How do we get a break if we need one?
Quietly ask a teacher near by.
What happens when there is a fire drill?
Find a teacher from our classroom to stay with and follow them outside.
What does clean-up look like at the end of the period?
Whiteboards, markers, and erasers away. Put materials on the podium.
For every 5 stickers I get a ____
Raffle Ticket
How do we care for our classroom?
Respect materials, clean up after ourselves, and work together to complete things.
What do we look and sound like during transitions between activities?
We walk quickly, quietly, and get started right away!
When the teacher is talking I should...
Be listening, quiet, AND PARTICIPATING!!
At the end of the month, the raffle tickets can help me earn ________
A prize: Drink and Chips
What does teamwork mean to you?
Various answers include things like: helping, working together, being in a team, using kind words.
What do you do when you come into the classroom?
Find my desk, do my check-in quietly, and solve the daily riddle if I am finished.
When doing Daily Practice I need to make sure I click ________ so Ms. N can see my work.
When I am working and I have a question, is it okay to ask for help?
Yes, I have so many wonderful teachers here to help me!
What can we earn if we communicate expectedly and follow directions?
A sticker!!
If I complete my work early I can ….
Go on IXL or have a brain break