The Magnificent Seven
Orthodoxy and Heresy
The "Better" Letter
Literary Characteristics
The Revelation

Among the Catholic Epistles, this letter is noted for its use of the diatribe form, in which the author engages with an imaginary opponent and may also use invective.

What is James?


A Gnostic heresy that held to the idea that the Christ was not really a flesh-and-blood human being but only appeared or seemed to be so.

What is Docetism?


The preacher to the Hebrews writes a "word of exhortation," and so identifies his work as a __________.

What is a sermon?


A "chain" of citations of authoritative texts (such as OT Scriptures in Heb 1:5-13) used to communicate and support a claim the author is making.

What is a catena?


Where the seer of the Apocalypse was located.

What is the Isle of Patmos?


This letter was written to Christians in Asia Minor who suffered as "exiles of the Diaspora" or as resident aliens.

What is 1 Peter?


The title for the Jewish creed of monotheism (Deut 6:4), alluded to in James 2:19: "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder."

What is the Shema?


Hebrews presents Jesus Christ as a high priest according to the order of __________.

Who is Melchizedek?


The part of a NT letter that exhorts readers to engage in appropriate Christian behavior, i.e., moral instruction.

What is parenesis?


The traditional author of the Gospel of John, 1-3 John, and the Revelation.

Who is John the son of Zebedee (=the Apostle John)?


Written by a brother of James and half-brother of Jesus "to contend earnestly for the faith."

What is Jude?


James's label for the central ethical principle of the Christian life: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

What is the "royal law"?


The Letter to the Hebrews includes five passages that issue frightful warnings against __________.

What is apostasy?


A literary device consisting of a word or expression that brackets a portion of text--like "bookends."

What is inclusio?


This major approach to interpreting Revelation sees the events depicted in the vision as fulfilled (i.e., they already happened).

What is the preterist view?


He called the Letter of James "an epistle of straw."

Who is Martin Luther?


The Christian doctrine that God took on flesh and became fully human in the person of Jesus Christ.

What is the incarnation?


Concerning the authorship of the Letter to the Hebrews, this church father wrote, "God knows the truth."

Who is Origen?


A literary device in which words or ideas are expressed, then restated in inverse order (A B B' A' or A B C B' A').

What is chiasm (or ring composition)?


This major approach to interpreting Revelation sees most of the vision as a portrayal of events that will happen at the very end of time--events like the rapture, the Great Tribulation, and the millennium.

What is the futurist view?


This letter was occasioned by certain false teachers who denied Jesus's incarnation, atoning death, and new covenant ethic of love.

What is 1 John?


A christological heresy that believed the divine Christ-Spirit indwelt the man Jesus at his baptism but left him prior to the crucifixion.

What is Cerinthianism?


Hebrews' Christology presents Christ as both the Son of God and ____________________.

What is High Priest?


The repetition of the initial letter or sound in words for acoustic effect (e.g., the recurring "p" sound in Heb 1:1).

What is alliteration?


This major approach to interpreting Revelation sees the book as a multilayered symbolic portrayal of the conflict taking place in the time between the victory of Jesus on the cross and his final return.

What is the idealist view?