Eating to Reduce Alzheimer's
Food & COVID
Healthy Holiday Eating

One habit to support a healthy brain is not smoking. Will quitting smoking still improve the health of someone that has smoked for years or will it only prevent further damage?

What is: 

Yes, it will improve the health of someone that has smoked for years


The CDC recommends washing your hands for how many seconds?

What is:

20 seconds


What is at least one baking tip to lower the calories, sugar, or fat in holiday treats?

What is:

Make a crumb topping on apple or blueberry pie instead of a top crust.

Cut the butter/margarine/oil (ex. 1 cup) but using half the amount and then making the other half apple sauce (ex. 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce)

Watch portion size


According to MyPlate, how much of your plate should be produce (fruits and vegetables)?

-the whole plate

-1/2 of the plate

-1/4 of the plate 

What is:

1/2 of the plate


What does someone that is malnourished look like?

What is:

It is not always possible to "see" malnutrition, since people can be normal or overweight and still be malnourished.


How many minutes per week of physical activity are recommended to support a healthy brain?

What is:

150 minutes per week (ex. 30 minutes, 5 times a week)


After cleaning fruits and vegetables with water, should you use a sanitizer to kill bacteria/viruses like COVID?

What is:

No (Wash with running water only - do not use soap or sanitizer)


It is the day of the holiday meal.  Which is the most likely way to prevent overeating?

A) Skip breakfast to save the calories for the holiday meal.

B) Eat a breakfast, lunch, and supper with protein and fiber.

What is:

Answer B, eat a breakfast, lunch, and supper with protein and fiber. 


According to MyPlate, how much of your plate should be protein?

The whole plate

Half the plate

1/4 of the plate

What is:

1/4 plate?


What are some things that can happen if malnutrition is left untreated?

What is:

Increased chance of falls (reducing strength)

Increasing risk of infection and slowed healing (weakened immune system)

Impact to eyes, kidneys, brain

Increased risk of admission to the hospital

Increased length of stay if admitted to the hospital


If following the MIND (Mediterranean DASH Intervention for Neurogenerative Delay) Diet to support a healthy brain, you should eat less of which foods and drinks?

What is:

red meat, alcohol in excess, pastries, sweets, cheese, butter, margarine


Is there strong evidence that COVID can be spread through food and food packages?

What is:

No. (but still wash your hands with soap and water after handling food and frequently clean and disinfect kitchen surfaces).


What are some healthier holiday snacks?

What is:

Holiday veggie wreath & hummus or other dip

Chocolate covered strawberries & bananas

Any other ideas?


What is the recommended portion of nuts?

What is:

1/4 cup?


What are some changes as we age that make elders at especially high risk for malnutrition?

What is:

Decreased smell & taste

Muscle loss

Difficulty chewing or swallowing

Decreased stomach acid

Decreased absorption of some nutrients


If following the MIND (Mediterranean DASH Intervention for Neurogenerative Delay) Diet, which foods should you eat more often?

What is:

green leafy & other veg, berries, whole grains, fish, beans, poultry, oil, nuts


Hand sanitizer should contain what percentage of alcohol?

At least: 20%, 40%, 60% or 100%

What is:

At least 60%


Which of these popular holiday items has the highest calorie level?

1 cup Eggnog, 1 slice Pumpkin Pie, 1 slice Blueberry Pie, 2 sugar cookies

What is: 

1 cup eggnog


What are some sources of protein?

What is:

Poultry, fish, lean cuts of meat, egg/egg whites, nuts, nut butter, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt


What are some "red flags" that someone may be at risk for malnutrition and should talk to their doctor?

What is:

Unexplained weight loss

Loss of appetite

Not able to eat or only able to eat small amounts

Feeling weak or tired

Swelling or fluid accumulation


What are at least 2 of the 5 habits for a healthy brain?

What is:

1) At least 150 min/week moderate to vigorous physical activity (if approved by your MD)

2) Avoid excessive alcohol intake

3) Follow a Mediterranean DASH Intervention for Neurogenerative Delay (MIND) diet

4) Keep the mind active

5) Avoid smoking


What are some nutrients that support a healthy immune system?

What are:

Vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, protein


What are at least 3 tips to prevent weight gain over the holidays?

What is:

Healthy substitutions

Limit temptations foods in the house

Don't bring home leftover or divide leftovers into single servings and freeze.

Out of sight, out of mind - store off the counter in a container that you cannot see through.

Avoid skipping meals. Follow MyPlate.

Make sweets a special treat instead of a daily habit.



MyPlate recommends making 1/2 your plate whole grains.  What are 3 whole grains?

What is:

oatmeal, whole wheat, whole rye, barley, brown rice, wild rice


What is malnutrition?

What is:

undernutrition?  It is lacking adequate nutrients for our body to function. It can happen when someone does not take in enough foods to provide the body what it needs like protein, vitamins, minerals, and more.