This sacrament unites two people as one. Those two people are called to "lay down their lives" for one another, and help each other to heaven.
What is the sacrament of Marriage (Matrimony)?
Marriage is a visible sign of an invisible reality: the relationship between Jesus Christ (the groom) and the Church (the bride).
This season marks the beginning of the liturgical year.
The color for this season is purple
What is ADVENT?
This is the principle day of the week for the celebration of the Eucharist.
This is where the priest celebrates the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
What is the altar?
This is the unity of Church members on Earth, in Purgatory and in Heaven.
What is the Communion of Saints?
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
What is the Trinity?
The four Gospel writers
Who are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The first sacrament EVERY Catholic receives. We cannot receive any of the other sacraments without it.
What is BAPTISM?
The effects of baptism include: forgiveness of sins, adoption into God's family (as a beloved son or daughter), an indelible mark (Baptism is permanent... more than a Sharpie, or a tattoo) claiming you for Christ, and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity.
This is the color of Ordinary Time.
What is GREEN?
When the priest says "Peace be with you" the response is:
What is "and with your spirit?"
This box, found in every Catholic Church, contains Jesus.
What is the TABERNACLE?
This item is both a sacramental and a prayer devotion to Mary.
What is the Rosary?
What is the name of our current pope?
What is Pope Francis?
The four marks of the Church
These are the three sacraments of initiation.
What are Baptism, Eucharist (Communion), Confirmation?
These sacraments are the FOUNDATION (not the completion!) of the Christian life.
This season lasts for 50 days, because we feast more than we fast!
What is EASTER?
What is the sign of the cross?
The deacon carries this in at the procession, and reads from it at the Gospel.
What is the Book of Gospels?
(Literally, the book contains the Gospel readings)
To be a saint, a person must...
What is "be in heaven"?
The two sacraments of healing
What is Confession (penance or reconciliation) and Anointing of the Sick?
The four last things
What are death, judgment, heaven, hell?
What is the sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession or Penance)?
This season is a season of prayer and penance as we prepare for the greatest feast of the Church.
What is Lent?
This prayer begins "I believe..."
What is the Creed?
This candle shines through a red candle holder and tells us that Jesus is present. It found close by where Jesus is kept.
The day we celebrate all of the saints
What is All Saints Day (November 1)?
The first and last books of the Bible.
What is Genesis and Revelation?
The four parts of the Mass
In this sacrament, a man's hands are anointed with oil as a symbol that their hands are being prepared for the sacred duties he is about to undertake.
These days are back-to-back and mark the holiest days in the life of the Church. We celebrate them every year.
What is Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday).
When should you genuflect?
This candle is lit throughout the Easter season, at baptisms and at funerals.
What is the Easter candle/Paschal candle?
What is the canonization process?
The vessel that holds the wine.
The four major basilicas in Rome (churches in Rome)
In this sacrament, the gift of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism is strengthened and sealed in the recipient.
This season is the longest season of the liturgical year.
The Mass is divided into two liturgies.
What is Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist?
These are located at or close to the doors of every church. They are there to remind us of our baptism.
What are holy water fonts?
We ______________ Mary, and we _______________ God.
What is HONOR Mary and WORSHIP God?
The bishop of Rome is also known as this.
What is the Pope?
The four pillars of the Catechism
What is Creed, Sacraments, Commandments, the Lord's Prayer