It's In the Bag
All Choked Up
He's so vein
Who, What, When, and Where
Safety First
The length of time proper hand washing requires.
What is 20-30 seconds? (As long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday song twice or ABC Song; at least 15 seconds of friction time)
Working tabletop suction equipment, new trach care & suction kits, 4x4 gauze, spare trach tube of the same size with an obturator, drain sponges


What supplies should be kept at the bedside of a patient with a tracheostomy?
Acronym for Saline, Administer, Saline, and Heparin


What is HIT’s SASH card protocol ? (included in the delivery bundle for all patients using HIT’s pharmacy, specific to the type of line in use)
An older adult who takes longer than 12 seconds to complete this is at risk for falling
What is the CDC’s “Timed Up & Go” (TUG) mobility assessment?
Complete a Work Injury/Exposure report on the Intranet home page
What do you do if you’re injured or are exposed to hazardous material while at work?


The standard of care technique for prevention and control of spreading infections in the home

What is Management of Home Care Bag Technique? (Includes hand hygiene before entering and the home care bag; use of a non-permeable barrier between the supply bag and a clean, dry surface in the home; cleaning reusable equipment that had direct patient contact; not re-entering the bag with gloves on)
Type of trach care performed, cuff inflated or deflated, tube and/or inner cannula changed, skin integrity, site drainage, adverse effects

What should be included in documentation of trach care?
Remembering the “Yes” button means enter and the “No” button means change
What is a basic programming instruction for the IV Curlin Pump?
“Stand up from the chair, walk at your normal pace, turn, walk back at your normal pace, and sit down”
What are “Timed Up & Go” (TUG) instructions given to the patient to assess risk for falling?
A guideline that is used at every visit by every clinician for patient safety

What is the Agency Core Care Plan?
Items such as a BP cuff, stethoscope, thermometer, and scale
What is re-usable equipment that must be disinfected before placing back in the home care bag?
Have the patient take several deep breaths, insert suction catheter without applying suction, apply intermittent suction for 10-15 seconds rotating while withdrawing
What are steps to safely suction a patient with a tracheostomy?

Use a 10mL normal saline vial and a 12mL syringe with a needle instead of using a pre-filled saline syringe   

What is HIT’s guideline for diluting medications in the home? (famotidine, ondansetron, promethazine, or diphenhydramine, etc.)
Documented on the alert message on the Patient Profile in the EMR
Where in the EMR do you find information that the patient is a fall risk?
Three things to teach patients that can reduce the risk of falls
What are (any 3 of the following) getting out of bed slowly, wear non-slip slippers or shoes for walking, avoid walking after taking medication that may make you dizzy, turn on the lights when you need to walk, use your walker or cane every time you walk, move throw rugs and other tripping hazards?