because of state or local mandates

This is the CTC's 4-year graduation rate for 2024 graduates.

What is 97%?


This is the total number of mills that was on the ballot in November 2023 and March 2024

What is 1.4 mills?


This is the reason, for the first time, most returning students will have the same READY period teacher they had last school year.

What is to have an adult advocate with whom they have a relationship?


These are the two places where staff are able to park this school year.

What is the compound or in the spaces past the SECOND speed bump on the North Lot (outside of building E)?


These are the general answers when parents ask: "Does my child have access to their phone at all times when in school at the CTC?" 

"How do I get in touch with my child or how does my child contact me when there's an emergency?"

What is no and what is by using the main office number/phones.


This is the number of work based learning (WBL) hours students should aim to log for the CTC's reporting purposes.  

What is 250 hours?


This is the event that occurs in the fall to provide students and their parents with options on their pathway.

What is the Opportunity Fair.


A two-part question: this was removed from our logo and replaced with this tagline.

What is "The Path to Success" and Career Ready. College Ready. Life Ready


HB520 requires school districts look at and update policies about whether or not students may use this item as part of their learning environment.

What is cell phones?


A two part answer: the number of federal indicators for which our CTPD is accountable and the number of indicators we met.  

What is 9 and 9!?


This was the numerical result, to the whole number, of the result of the building project vote in March 2024.

What is 46% FOR and 54% AGAINST.


This is one reason students are asked to complete weekly goal sheets. 

What is to be aware of where they are in terms of attendance and how they measure against our policy?

What is to build intrinsic motivation through setting goals and reaching them?


This is how all staff are able to get into the compound this year.

What is swipe your ID badge at the gate entrance?


The district will provide these for academic classroom teachers to use for storage of student cell phones.

What is a cell phone pocket chart?


This percentage, to the whole number, represents non-traditional students in our programs. 

What is 23%


About to happen for the third time on our campus, this event gives students a chance to bond in different ways through a variety of competitions.

What is Lab Olympics?


Name the four key goal areas sometimes referred to as our four pillars

What are: communication, partnerships, equity, and empowering students success/time and space


A two part answer: HB 33 legislation requires all teaching staff complete this as part of their PD by this date. 

What is the Science of Reading assessment and June 30, 2025.


A two part answer: this is the star rating the Springfield-Clark CTC earned for the 2022-2023 school year and the other is the star rating the Springfield-Clark CTC is expected to earn for the 2023-2024 school year.   

What is 4.5/5 stars and what is 5/5 stars?


This is the total millage amount ask on the upcoming November 2024 ballot.

What is 1.4 mills?


This is a problem READY period teachers had last year that administration is trying to resolve so teachers can be better equipped to help and advise their students.

What is, READY period was in one classroom so teachers could not see their students' READY period work assignments without sorting through ALL students.  


The parking lot spaces lining the grass facing the main entrance and the parking lot spaces inside of the "bus circle" are now ONLY for these individuals.

What are visitors, customers and substitutes?


This is the policy (in name or number) that covers the use of cell phones and other such devices.

What is po5136 "Personal Communication Devices."


The number of credentials earned by students last school year.  

What is 1377?


A two part answer: This day culminates the senior experience when seniors commit to at least one of these three experiences upon graduation. 

What is Senior Signing Day and what are enroll, enlist, employed.


According to ACHIEVE3000, this CTC student population average Lexile level - in grade-level equivalency - grew to this average Lexile level - grade-level equivalency - for those students who were provided assignments and supports using the ACHIEVE300 platform at least twice per month.  

What is 6th grade level to 8th/9th grade level?


Students join this before approval for early placement.

What is ADFCA or Ater's Drug Free Club of America


Using one of these terms (met, fell below, or exceeded), this is how the Springfield-Clark CTC stacked up against the federal goals in ELA, Math and Science proficiency.  

What is we EXCEEDED the federal goal!?


This is a key change to the language used to identify the district on the ballot for the November 2024 ballot.  

What is "a Joint Vocational School District/JVS" has been added?


This is the frequency we will be asking students to complete SEL lessons this year and the difference from the same last year.

What is every other week instead of every week?


This is where buses will be picking up and dropping off students this year.

What is in the actual bus circle at the front doors?


This is when teachers can allow students to use cell phones inside of a teacher's classroom/lab. A two-part answer

What is when a teacher has submitted a request to use cell phones for learning purposes AND received "cell phones is use" visual signage to display for the class periods that day.


The goal % of students logging 250 WBL that the CTC is expected to meet and what % of our students actually met this last school year?

What is 14% and 40%?


Kicking off for the first time in the Spring of 2024, this is when mostly seniors have the chance to show off projects about which they are the most proud and receive feedback from local judges. 

What is Senior Showcase? 


Two part answer: Kicking off the first year of implementation last year, this gives students the opportunity to show off what they've learned, staff the opportunity to see what others do, and the community the opportunity to engage with students in a different way. Give the name and the date of the event for this school year.

What is the Student Showcase?

What is: March 14, 2025


All students enrolled in CTE must have access to one of these.

What are CTSOs?


A two part answer: percentage of students during the 2023-2024 school year that met technical skill attainment measures because they were proficient or higher on their program WebXams. One number represents the entire CTPD and the second number represents just our Center.  

What is 88% and 89.6%?


This change to the upcoming levy issue is meant to explain the breakdown of the 1.4 mills on the ballot.

What is .94 is a bond maturing at 37 years and .46 is a permanent improvement levy?


A two part answer: This is the platform that will be used to complete SEL lessons this year and this is your point person for this platform.  

What is PBIS and who is Christi Wilbur


A TWO-PART ANSWER: This is the change to the concept of assigning student parking spots and the reasoning behind parking lot changes.

What is: 1. we are assigning "lots not spots" and 2. we ran out of student spots as the year progressed, yet it looked like we didn't because several students were heading off to job placement, coming late, etc.


This HOUSE BILL was adopted and signed by Governor DeWine requiring schools to implement a model policy BY THIS TIME.

What is HB520 and July 2025?


The amount of money CTC students from the class of 2024 earned while still high school students. 

What is $1.2 Million


This is the list of CTSOs at CTC, in order of enrollment from highest enrollment to lowest.

What is: SkillsUSA, FFA, BPA, Educator's Rising/FCCLA

This is one of the five core values/belief statements upon which our CTC operates.

WHAT IS: We believe

  • Our purpose is to provide students with the tools to pursue in-demand careers, college and/or military after high school. 

  • In high expectations for all students and in treating them as young professionals.

  • Meaningful partnerships with our community are critical for student success. 

  • Consistent, clear, efficient, communications are fundamental key elements.

  • In providing an equitable learning environment that is more flexible and fluid to meet the needs of the WHOLE child.


Names (first and last) and roles of four of our new hires for the 2024/2025 school year

Who are: Wesley Curtis, IT; Stevie Pandey, Food Service; Ashley Wilson, School Nurse; Joe Stephens, ELA; Gabe Abraham, IS; Peggy Ault, ProjectSEARCH; Kelly Perry, Spanish/TESOL; Chad Mossing, Director