If you have a question or comment you should? (two parts!)
What is...Raise your hand and wait to be called on
How should you move in the hallway? (3 answers)
1. Quietly
2. Walking
3. In a line (share the hallway with other students and teachers)
If you need help or have a question what should you do?
Ask for help or clarification by raising your hand
What is the number one classroom expectation when talking to a peer or teacher?
Be respectful
When the bell rings for the end of the day/recess should you run?
Is bullying, name calling, excluding others or teasing allowed in my classroom?
Is it appropriate to be talking to a neighbour/friend or walking around the class when Mrs. Laughton is teaching?
When Ms. Peasant says it is time to leave in the library you should (2 answers)
1. Clean up and stack chairs
2. Line up to show you are ready to leave
If there is a conflict that you need help resolving you should.
Speak to Mrs. Laughton immediately.
What are two things you need to do before you leave class at the end of the day?
1. Pickup any trash, pencils, pens around your desk (even if they aren't yours)
2.Stack your chairs
In Mr. Jacksons music class, when should you touch/play with the instruments?
Only when Mr. Jackson gives you permission.
Take a deep breath
Head down
Use your words if you need help
Take a break (speak to Mrs. Laughton before leaving the classroom)
Do an activity that calms you such as colouring, reading, journaling.
Unless Mrs. Laughton gives you permission what should you NOT be using in the classroom?
Name two ways you should behave in Phys.Ed?
1. Listen to all instructions
2. Be mindful of classmates
3. Stop when Mrs. Laughton says stop
4. If you have a comment or question DO NOT call out, yell or become angry. Speak calmly to Mrs. Laughton.
5. If you need a break that is ok, let Mrs. Laughton know.
What type of attitude is expected in my classroom at all times?
Positive attitude/ Growth Mindset