Classroom Rules
Classroom Procedures
Classroom Supplies
Class Schedule
About Mme M

If you have a question, what should you do?

Raise your hand


You need to go to the washroom: what do should you do? (three things).

1. Raise hand

2. Sign out

3. Take hall pass 


What are two things you should bring to class with you every day? 

Pencil, Chromebook, Waterbottle, Eraser, etc. 


What floor is this classroom on? 



What is my favourite colour? (hint: look around)

Green duh


Mme is being the best teacher ever and gives you candy. You eat the candy, what do you do with the wrapper?

Throw it in the garbage


1. How many people can leave the room at a time?

2. What do you need to bring with you? (hint: look at the board)

1. One person at a time

2. Bring and RETURN the hall pass whenever you leave


What do I do if I borrow something from Mme?



What is the room number?



What subjects do I teach this year?

Sciences Humaines, Santé and Core French


How should you treat your classmates and your teachers?

You should treat your classmates and the teachers with respect, kindness, and empathy. Be considerate, inclusive, and avoid any form of bullying or disrespectful behavior.


You need to contact home about something. What do you do?

1. Let Mme know - if it's not an emergency wait for lunch, if it is...

2. Go to the office to use the phone.

3. If you need to text, you still need to go to the office.


If you finish your work in class, what can you do? 

Colouring pages (back counter), read, help me with a task, do work for other classes. 


What time is lunch? 

7's/8's: 11:10-12:10

9's: 11:55-12:55


How long have I been at RLJH?

Two years


Someone is presenting or Mme is teaching, what should I do? 

Be respectful while others are speaking by listening to them and paying attention. 


I want to know if I'm missing anything. What should I do? 

Find your class chart and look for your name. 


What supplies are important to have with you everyday?

Pencil, paper, computer, binder, waterbottle, etc.


What time are we dismissed at the end of the day?

1:55 (this can change, but it's the 'official' end time)


What are my dogs names? 

Monty and Oliver (Oli)


Explain the cellphone policy and the consequences of having your phone in class. 

You are not permitted to have your phone in class. If you are caught with your phone, you will be asked to go to the office. You will receive a slip, your teacher will ask for it to prove that you dropped it off at the office. You are not permitted to use your phone in the hallway.


You finish your work - great job! Where do you put it and why?

Find your class bin and put your work in. This avoids it getting lost. 


Explain how to properly treat your Chromebook and why it's important 

You need to be careful with your Chromebook - don't put liquids near it, don't keep it on the ledge of your desk, try no to drop it/step on it. You will need to use your Chromebook all year and they take awhile to repair/are expensive to replace. 


How many times do we have SH/Core French/Santé in our two week schedule?

SH: 5 times (3 one week, 2 on the other)

Core French: (3 one week, 2 on the other)

Santé: (2 one week, 1 on the other)


What is my favourite class to teach?

Depends on the day lol