
You find a pencil on the ground with no name, what do you do with it?

Put it in the correct tub on the lost property shelf. 


How can you prepare for a lesson using your initiative?

*out of 4*

- Check the daily timetable and pull out the correct book without being told. 

- Have a pencil, eraser, ruler ready on the desk. 

- Put the date on the page.

- Sit silently waiting for the instructions. 


What is something you can do straight away in the morning that requires no effort?

Smile and say good morning to those around you. 


What are the top 3 expectations when doing brain break (fruit). 

- Sitting down and eating quietly. 

- Ask to go to the toilet and get a drink using manners.

- Use time wisely (do not ask to go to the toilet when brain break is finishing)


You are exhausted from having a bad night's sleep and from doing sport the night before. What is expected from you with your learning?

100% effort or whatever is left in your tank. Give it everything you have!


You are with your friends out in the eating area and see them run away without cleaning up their mess. What is the right thing to do?

Collect their rubbish and put it in the bin for them. Remind them to clean it up themselves next time. 


What is the expectation for behaviour while going to the toilet? (2 part question)

- Get in, get out, don't muck about. 

- Be sensible (walking, being quiet, no playing with friends, no hanging and chatting to friends). 

You are faced with a challenging task. You want to give up because it is easier, but decide to push through and try your hardest. What are some strategies you can use to help you solve the question? Multiple choice. 

- Check for clues on the whiteboard, TV, learning walls, and your book. 

- Look around and see what your peers are doing. Ask someone for some guidance (if appropriate). 

- Ask an adult for help. 


What are foru things you can do to show engagement in a lesson? 

- eye contact

- asking and answering questions

- following instructions quickly

- having a positive attitude


You are finished with a task and you look around to see everyone is still working. What should you do?

- Sit and wait quietly until others finish. 

- Let the teacher know by raising your hand and telling them quietly. 

You need to choose whether you should be in a focus group with the teacher to grow your confidence in a task or to do something independently. You know you do not understand the learning yet. What do you do?

Take the opportunity to be in a focus group, it will make you feel great knowing you took control of your learning and want to improve. 


What are 3 ways to show respect?

- manners

- calm and friendly tone of voice

- friendly facial expressions


Miss Walters has had to deal with something mid-lesson and is on the phone talking to the office. You have not been left any work to do. What should you do?

Stay seated at your desk and do something quietly. You keep the noise levels quiet so she can focus on getting the situation sorted rather than having to stop and ask the class to be more quiet. 


You are doing a group task with your table members. Everyone is arguing, getting off-task and you are running out of time. What should you do? Multiple choice. 

- Break down the task into small steps. 

- Ask the teacher for guidance on how to work better as a group. 

- Redirect your group and give everyone something to do. 


Explain what each of these mean:
Be kind
Be safe
Be a learner

Be kind= have manners, help others, be friendly
Be safe= keeping shoes on, keeping hands and feet to yourself, playing by the rules
Be a learner= participation, engagement, effort, enthusiasm