The Scruggs Standards
Throw the Book at Me
We Had a Meeting?
Mistah Skwubbs
To be a kid again...

Rather than complaining, Mr. Scruggs prefers that we focus on these.

What are solutions?


Changes to this building policy could mean a boom in business for Levi Strauss.

What is the dress code?


This year, classified staff will have this many meeting opportunities each month.

What is 2?


There isn't one of these in "team" or in Mr. Scruggs's first name. 

What is an "I?"


A squishy classroom necessity that was invented in 1933 as a new and innovative wallpaper cleaner. 

What is Play-Doh?


"If you see someone without a smile, give 'em one of yours." was originally said by this famous musician.

Who is Dolly Parton?

Lesson plans will be turned in here this year.

What is Teams?


Classified staff this many years or less must have 20 hours of in-service training each year.

What is 3?

Mr. Scruggs has two grown children.  One is a kennel assistant at a local vet's office.  The other works at this fine "Italian" establishment. 

What is Pizza Hut?


In November of 1969, this children's television show made television history when it premiered.  In 1982 it was on it's way to becoming Mr. Scruggs's favorite program.

What is Sesame Street?


This person once told Mr. Scruggs, "We've got to be here all day with these kids, we might as well have fun with them!"

Who is Mrs. Akard


A NEW committee this year.

What is the Kansas Day Committee?
What is the Read Across America Committee?  

What is Family Literacy Night Committee?


Classified staff with more than 4 years of experience must complete this many hours of in-service training each year.

What is 10.


Mr. Scruggs has two sisters.  One is a sports trainer for a texas high school and the other works at this prestigious Kansas City hospital.

What is KU med?


Kids engaging in this type of play are shown to be better equipped at self-regulating their emotions

What is make-believe?

According to our principal, we should be making time for this everyday.  Even grown-ups...especially grown ups.

What is play?


Stay in the know! Check your email often, as well as your mailbox, especially for this important weekly document delivered on Fridays

What is "The Weekly Chirp."


This computer-based training is due by November 1st and is mandatory for all USD 475 employees. 

What is VECTOR and ALICE training?


You win lose some.  Sometimes you cut three of them off in a bicycle accident.  Mr. Scruggs did.

What are toes?


Young children do this up to 300 times a day, compared to an adult who only does it about 20 times.

What is laugh?


Mr. Scruggs will always have your back as long as you're this.

What is "student first?"


You may know the drill, but our school is missing this important document which is currently part of the handbook.

What is a crisis plan?


Mr. Scruggs couldn't think of an answer for this question.  Give the person to your right for 500 points. :) 

500 Points!

Mrs. Rader, Mr. Scruggs's favorite teacher, taught him during this important grade. 

What is kindergarten?


Famous children's television personality, Fred Rogers, loved maintaining this "perfect" weight. 

What is 143 lbs?