I can use my cell phone now
(page 3 AND 4)
What is the passing period or the cafeteria?
Play video games, text friends, get on you tube
(page 3 and 4)
WHAT IS during lunch?
If I lose my student ID badge my teacher can give me a new one.
(page 4)
WHAT IS false? (you will have to be re-issued a new one in the office)
Consequences for an electronic device for the THIRD TIME
(page 3-4)
WHAT IS phone turned into the office, parent must pick it up, 1 day suspension or Saturday school?
Not allowed to be worn at school on your head.
(page 11 and 12)
What is a hat?
(Hoodies are at the teacher's discretion)
4 minutes
(page 1 Bell Schedule)
What is how long I have to get to class?
11:45-12:15 for B hall, D hall, C hall and PE
(Bell schedule)
WHAT IS first lunch?
Academic Honesty includes cheating and plagiarism
(page 5)
WHAT IS true?
This is the consequence for me if I am tardy for the 3rd time
(page 2)
WHAT IS 1 day of lunch detention?
Growth mindset, Reflective attitude, Integrity, Team mentality's acronym
(page 1)
Tardy bell rings in the morning to start the day.
(page 1 bell schedule)
What is 8:25
A hall, E hall, band and choir eat now
(bell schedule)
WHAT IS second lunch or 12:25 -12:55?
Horseplay is allowed in the halls, classrooms, and lunchroom.
(page 13-14)
WHAT IS False. (pg. 13-14)
3 possible consequences for bullying or cyber/bullying
(page 6)
parent/guardian conference
referral for expulsion
Medicine is given to ________ except Epi Pens and Inhalers
(page 8)
Hallway pass is worn
(page 4)
WHAT IS anytime you are in the hallway?
I can eat breakfast before school here from 8-8:20.
(page 1)
WHAT IS the cafeteria?
Student ID Badges are only worn when I remember to bring it.
(page 4)
WHAT IS False? (page 4)
I left my ID badge at home
(page 4)
WHAT IS you will get a minor office referral then go to the office?
You will get a verbal warning and your parent is called for a 2nd incident
This drill is conducted monthly.
(page 10-review safety locations)
WHAT is a fire drill?
Name 3 inappropriate behaviors in the hallways.
(page 9)
WHAT IS yelling, pushing, running, swearing, or any other inappropriate behavior?
I want outside food delivered to me or at least some flowers.
(page 5)
WHAT IS no way, no how, too bad-so sad, nope?
I can only check out 1 book each time from the library.
(page 2)
False, you can check out up to 3
It's my 3rd time without my badge
(page 5)
WHAT is a major office referral and lunch detention.
4th time is automatic ISS or Saturday School
Mr McClure, Mrs Venters, and Mr Glade
(page 1)
WHO ARE our principals?
Mr. McClure is our main principal
Mr. Glade and Mrs. Venters are our assistant principals