What is the name of our school?
Laurelwood Public School
What should we do when we leave our table?
Push in your chair.
Who do I talk to if I am hurt outside?
The duty teacher.
Who teaches you Drama?
Mr. Sargent.
Who is our Principal?
Mrs. Michelutti
How should we eat lunch?
Sitting quietly and stay in your seat.
Who is the school secretary?
Mrs. Weber
How should you sit at the floor meeting space?
Criss cross and sitting tall.
Where would we find books in the school?
The library
Who teaches you Science, Health and Gym?
Mr. Sivakumar
What grade is beside us in room 7?
Grade 1.
How many playgrounds are there at Laurelwood?
What happens at school twice a day that your teacher needs to do?
How do we answer a question in this class?
Raise your hand.
What grades are there in room 8?
2 and 3.
How should I treat my friend?
With kindness.
Who teaches you Music?
Ms. Holland.
Who teaches you French?
Mme. Mackenzie
What is the Laurelwood mascot?
A lightning bolt.
What kind of listening should we show in room 8?
Whole Body Listening.
If something is hard should I give up?
Can you do hard things?