No phones from entering the building to leaving
Where is our weekly schedule? Point at it
Well done!
What is your job when you come in at the beginning of a block?
Sit down, get your binder, open to the block we are in.
When can you leave the room without asking?
Whose responsibility is it to know what is due at the end of the week?
What days are blue floor in the L.C.?
Monday, Wednesday, sometime Friday
Where is our schedule for today specifically? Get up and point it out.
When can you interrupt Miss Lochhead?
When is a good time to go return or change books?
When can you have popcorn?
What 3 safety drills do we do?
Fire, Earthquake, Lockdown
Where are the hand-in bins? Get up and point out which is which, can you remember?
Nice job!
Sitting at your desk or moving to work with people, what is the default? How will you know if it's different?
Sitting at our own desks is default, Miss Lochhead will say when it's different.
When can you be in the L.C. before school?
Opens around 8 AM, closed at 8:45 AM
Where are extras of the work we did in a week stored?
The black hanging files
What are the names of the Principal and Vice Principal?
Ms. MacEwan and Ms. Postlethwaite
Where can you look to know what is due this week and if you have handed it in?
Good job!
When should you go to the bathroom or get water? When is a good time to ask to do so?
Between blocks. For asking; after Miss Lochhead is done speaking and it is work time.
Where should you be by 9:05 AM
In your desk
Where are papers for you to do when you are "bored"?
In the shelves under the hand-in bins
What are your recess options on a regular day?
Outside, L.C. (if our day), classroom if open
Where do you get the work you missed?
Go explain all the parts of the Team Awesome board, how they connect, and what they inform you of.
Team Awesome is those who handed work in on time the Friday before. To-do is that weeks work. Team Awesome To-do shows if you have handed in the items on the to-do list. Today shows todays schedule. Late Work is work from last week that you must finish y Wednesday.
How do you take a ball out for recess?
Sign out by the desk and get from the supply cupboard
Where can you find markers, pencil crayons, stapler, hole punch, "brain teasers", paper etc.
Supply cupboard