Classroom Expectations
School Rules
Supplies and Materials
Recess Rules
Class Economy

What is the main classroom rule?

Always think of and follow the virtues!

Where can I run on the Saint James campus?

On the black top and grass field only!


What three things should you bring to school everyday?

Take home folder, planner, and a good attitude!


What do you do when the recess bell rings?

Freeze, bring equipment to line, hustle to line and wait quietly.


Who's business is it to know how much money you have?

Yours and your teachers.


What are the best times to go to the bathroom? 

The best times are before school, at recess, and at lunch. 

*Sometimes you have to go other times, and that is OK! Just don't be a consistent subject skipper!


What should you treat the courtyard like when moving as a class to go somewhere?

You should treat it like a hallway in a building. Stay in line and no talking because other classes are learning.


Why do we use planners?

To keep track of class work and upcoming events.


What do you do if someone wants to join a game you are playing?

Allow them to play and stop to explain the game if they don't know how.


What do you do if you receive a fine?

Redirect your behavior and move on.


What do you do if you are stuck on an assignment?

First try multiple strategies and then raise your hand to ask for help unless there are different directions.


What bathrooms do fourth graders use?

The ones in the courtyard.


When do we get and turn in homework?



Where do you eat your snack at recess and when can you go play?

On the benches outside and once your trash is thrown away.


When can you participate in store?

If all of your fines are paid and your work is finished.


What is the best thing you can do to grow in fourth grade?

Always show up ready and willing to try hard!


When can you leave the classroom?

When you have permission from a teacher. Not during the middle of a lesson unless it's an emergency.


Where do you turn in assignments?

When do you work on unfinished work?

The turn in basket.

During self directed time.

Are you allowed to hang around the backpack area?

No, before school drop you bag off and go out to the black top and go straight out at recess and lunch.


What happens if you lose your bank log?

You have to purchase a new one for $20 and if it continues to happen you will miss out on store.


What is expected of me when I am having friend troubles?

Use my words and stay calm to try and work it out first. If that doesn't work, take a break and get an adult if I need help working through it.


What are important things to remember during a fire drill?

Stay calm, stop what you are doing, and stay with your class.


Name three items that belong in your desk and three items that don't. 

Things that belong: Folders, books, pencils, grading pens, colored pencils, crayons, and erasers.

Things that don't belong: rulers (in cubby) scissors (in cubby), food, and toys.


What do you do if you have a problem at recess?

Try to work it out, play a different game, or get an adult to help out.


Why is it important to do your class job?

To help the classroom run smoothly and get paid for your work.