What are you supposed to do when you are done eating breakfast?
Clean up your mess, sit quietly and wait for your teacher
What should you be looking at when you are walking down the hall?
The back of the person in front of you's head. We do not walk with our heads turned sideways, backwards, up to the ceiling or to the ground.
When entering the room what are the four things you do...
1. Put folder up
2. Put lunch/snacks up
3. Put chairs down around your table only
4. Sit where your teacher has said
When sitting on the carpet, you should...
Sit in your spot
Cris Cross applesauce
Wait Quietly
Before Mrs.Farrell goes to group time, you should...
Know what you are supposed to do with individual work.
Know what to do when you are finished.
Ask questions before groups start!
What are three things that you should NOT do at breakfast?
Mess around, talk loudly, get out of your seat
When walking in the hall, you should never..
Run, jump, skip, hop, speed walk, dance, crawl, walk weird with legs out. JUST WALK
When entering the room, you should never...
Run, push or power through to be first in the room. Touch anything that is not ours
Sit where you are told
During instruction you are not allowed to...
Go to the bathroom unless you are having diarrhea or have to throw up.
Get up and down for tissues (get some and keep them with you)
Move around on the floor or fall asleep
When Mrs. Farrell is in her groups, when can you interrupt her?
Only when someone is bleeding, broken or barfing
What should you do when you see your teacher walk in?
Sit and wait quietly until she gets to the table. Do not get up and run toward her. Wait until she gets there to hug and greet her!
When walking to class, we need to be respectful to...
The kindergarten students, teachers and each other. KEEP hands and feet to yourself!
What is never acceptable to do when you enter the room?
Run, do cartwheels, slide under the tables, chairs, jump over people or things.
When answering a question, you should...
Have an answer in mind
Raise your hand
Wait until you are called on
Don't smart off when/if you aren't called on (not everyone can answer each question)
What are some ways that are not appropriate and are NOT good wast to get Mrs. Farrell's attention?
Yelling, screaming, running around, whining, crying, messing around, throwing fits, being disruptive.
When being dismissed from breakfast, you should NOT...
Run, push or trip friends to be first. Walk quietly and/or line up in order.
When turning around the corner you should NOT...
Hop, step or walk on the yellow step DO NOT do it dude and dudettes!
When entering the room you should not
scream, yell, cuss, whine, be hateful. Just Quietly enter the room like good first graders!
When you are called on to answer a question, you should
Answer the question appropriately
Speak loudly
Explain your thinking if you are asked to give more information.
What should you do before needing/asking for help?
Do everything you can on your own first.
Move on to the next work and then wait until Mrs. Farrell can help you or until she asks if someone can help you.
When walking from breakfast to the classroom, you should...
Walk in a straight quiet line, hands to your side, eyes forward with NO GAPS! Seriously NO GAPS!
When we get to the end of the hall, we should...
Wait for teacher instructions as to where to sit, put coats, backpacks away, get folder, snacks, lunch. QUIETLY
When you enter the room appropriately, you are more likely to .
Get punches on our new punch cards, get prizes for good behavior, earn rewards
When someone makes an incorrect response to a question, you should
Never laugh
Encourage them and build them up
Let them know everyone makes mistakes.
What is the best and easiest way to meet ALL these expectations during your school day?