The expectation for walking in the hallway. 

What is: 

  • level o is the only appropriate noise level in the hallways.

  • walking feet, hands to yourself, facing forward


Miss Glorioso's one rule.

What is "Nobody has the right to interfere with anyone else’s education, safety, or well-being."


What are my expectations for your classwork? 

Extra 100 points: How do we turn in work that is paper?

What is it is neat, done well, full sentences are written to answer questions when needed, or will be completed again? 


The procedure for getting a tissue.

Double points if you act it out after correctly explaining it. (You don't need to actually grab a tissue just act out the motions)

What is: 

Hold up four fingers,

Wait for Miss Glorioso to acknowledge you

Quietly get up and get a tissue. 

When you're done throw it in the trash

Sit back in your seat.


How do we enter into the room? 

What is quickly and quietly?


What is our class's special rotation? (What do we do on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

What is Monday is art, Tuesday is computer, Wednesday is Music, and Thursday is PE?


The expectations for student water bottles.

What is: 

  • on the side of your desk on the floor

  • never on the desktop

  • try to remember to fill at home or before the bell rings during Breakfast

  • appropriate refill times: Independent Work


The doorbell sounds in the classroom... now what?

What is quickly, quietly, eyes on me, voices at level 0. 


What does entering the classroom look like when we arrive first thing in the morning? (at 7:45)

Double the points if you correctly act it out after explaining it!

What is:

  • Wait For an Adult to greet you. Never go in the room unless an adult is in there.

  • Walk in quietly and go to The Backpack Hooks then take out what you need and hang your backpack (ESPECIALLY YOUR PLANNER).

  • Quietly go to your desk, read the board, eat breakfast or work on missing work. 


Miss Glorioso's favorite color?

What is blue and purple?


Expectations for sitting at your desk. 

What are: 

  • Stay in your seat unless you have permission to get up

  • You should always sit in your assigned seat.

  • Your desk and chair should always be on the ground.

  • keep your desk clean at all times.

  • respect those around you. 


The procedure to get laptops. 

Double the points if you correctly act it out after explaining it!

What is the caller or Miss Glorioso calling out the laptops' numbers. Then walk over quickly and quietly grabbing your laptop and headphones (if needed). Finally going back to your seat. 


The procedure for getting a new pencil. 

Hold up two fingers,

Wait for Miss Glorioso to acknowledge you

Quietly get up and exchange your pencil. 

Sit back in your seat.


The procedure for using the restroom.

Double points if you act it out after correctly explaining it. (You don't need to leave the room just go through the motions)

Ask before you go (cross your fingers).

Wait for Miss Glorioso to acknowledge you.

 One student at a time.

 Sign out!

There and back, noise level 0, no pitstops! 

Use the restroom, wash your hands, and return quietly. 


When I'm giving instructions what should you be doing?

What is sitting and listening? 

What is something that we need to do before we go to PE?

What is putting on deodorant/ taking off our hoodies? 


The five voice levels in Miss Glorioso's classroom.

Hint (0-4)

What are: 

Level 0: Voices completely off. no talking. 

level 1: whisper voices

level 2: "Partner chat"

level 3: "Table talk" 

level 4: Loud crowd. Only appropriate at recess and in case of emergencies. 


Besides unpacking your backpack, what should be the very first thing you do when you arrive? 

What is read the board/ morning message?


The classroom expectation for lining up.

Double Points if your whole group correctly demonstrates it after explaining it. 

What is walking (no running) quickly and quietly, waiting for your Group to be called, making sure all chairs are pushed in, and all materials are put away appropriately? 


What sport did Miss Glorioso play in high school? 

What is soccer?

The expectations for dismissal. 

What is:

  • fill out your planner and show it to Miss Glorioso when you are called.
  • pack up quickly and quietly 

  • make sure your desk and area around you are squeaky clean!!!!

  • as long as behavior is appropriate, I will play a movie or music and you may talk at level 1 until you leave.

  • When your bus number is called make sure your chair is put up and then line up. 


The expectations for safety drills? (This question is actually worth 600)

Include lockdown, hold, secure, evacuate, and shelter.

Hold: The classroom door is shut. Attendance is taken. We stay in the room until we are given further instructions

Secure: There is a problem outside the school. We need to be inside with all outside doors locked and shut. 

Shelter: Depending on the situation we will get instructions from the office.

Lockdown: We will quickly and quietly go to our designated area in the classroom. I will have to take attendance. Stay quiet and stay out of sight. We do not answer the door for ANYONE.

Evacuate: Listen to all directions given (by me, the office, the police, etc.) as we leave the building.


What constitutes an emergency in Miss Glorioso's classroom, and therefore are the ONLY times that she can be interrupted? 

What are: vomiting, major injury, natural disaster, you've brought me tea, Taylor Swift is walking through that door?


The difference between bullying and being a jerk?

Bullying is “intentionally aggressive behavior, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power. Kids who bully say or do something intentionally hurtful to others and they keep doing it, with no sense of regret or remorse — even when targets of bullying show or express their hurt or tell the aggressors to stop. Being a jerk is just someone who is being unkind/ mean but it isn't repeated.


What number am I thinking of? (1-50)

What is 47?