Name one game that we can play during recess.
Tag, hide-and-seek, etc.
Your teacher needs to get the attention of the class. What will your teacher do?
Ring the chime.
How should our class sound and look during a fire drill?
Should sound silent.
Should look calm and orderly.
What time is dismissal?
3:20 pm
Where are the chairs stacked during dismissal?
Next to your table
You finish your worksheet. Where should you turn it in?
In the
“Finished Work” bin
You are walking through the hallway. How should you look and sound?
You should sound silent.
You should be single file in a line.
The Library
What do we recite together during the morning routine?
The Pledge of Allegiance
Where do you keep your independent reading books?
In your book bin
You want to ask a question during a lesson. What should you do?
Raise your hand when your teacher asks for questions.
How do you ask your teacher for permission to leave the classroom and go to the restroom?
Make the class “bathroom” sign with your hand.
Where would I go if I hurt myself during the day?
Clinic /
Nurse’s office
What time is lunch?
12:00 pm
Your pencil breaks in the middle of math. What should you do??
Switch it out in the “Sharpened” box and put the broken one in the “Unsharpened” box.
Picked out a new book to read
Where does our class stand during a fire drill?
Near the back entrance of the school by the playground
The office
What do we do after recess before returning to the classroom?
Take a bathroom break
You finished your book! How do you get a new book form the class library?
After finding a book, sign it out on the Book Sign-Out sheet.
You arrive to the classroom in the morning. What 3 things should you do when you arrive?
1. Hang up your backpack.
2. Unstack your chair.
3. Start your morning work.
Stand on the black line next to the door in number order.