What can you do to receive a star on the star chart?
1. Ask a great question/give a great answer
2. Get a 100% on a test or quiz.
3. Win a game that we play in class
What are 5 things you need to bring to math class each day?
1. Binder
2. Paper
3. Chromebook
4. Headphones
5. Dry erase marker, pen, pencil
Chromebook unpreparedness three times will result in ______________.
If you come to homeroom after this time, you will be marked late.
8:42 AM
What are three reasons for receiving half credit on a math homework assignment?
If it is late, no work is shown, or it is not fully completed.
True/False: You can start packing up when you notice that class is almost over.
False! You MAY NOT start packing up until Mrs. Schlemm has dismissed you.
True/False: Eating and drinking in the classroom.
When do you write your name on the "Ask a Peer" board?
When you are confident about a tool/topic and are willing to help your peers with it. Ask Mrs. Schlemm before writing your name on the board.
What is the first thing that I should do when I enter the math classroom?
Complete the Do Now on the board
What are 3 reasons that could cause you to lose class participation points?
1. Late to class
2. Off-task/disruptive
3. Go to locker during class
True/False: You can play Fortnite and browse other sites during class.
True/False: If you talk during a drill, you will first receive a warning then receive a detention.
False! If you talk during a drill, you will receive a detention immediately.
How can I study for a math test?
1) Watch videos from the online textbook or Youtube channel
2) Cover answers and complete problems on your notes. Then, check answer.
3) Use Learn Smart from your Online Textbook
True/False: You are not expected to make up notes, classwork or homework if you were absent.
False! All work should be turned in within 3 days of your return to school.
True/False: Charging your Chromebook during homeroom or class is allowed but will result in a consequence.
True! If you charge your Chromebook during homeroom or class you will be written up.
True/False: It is ok to pack up when there are a few minutes left before class ends.
False! The teacher must dismiss you and give you permission to pack up.
Where can I find all dates for homework, tests, and extra help?
Google Calendar
True/False: Tests and quizzes cannot be retaken.
True! The 6th grade policy is that no tests or quizzes can be retaken.
What is the shortcut to copy words on a document?
Ctrl and C at the same time
True/False: Test retakes are NOT allowed in any 6th grade class.
True! Always remember to study hard before a test. If you do not do well, there will be other opportunities to improve your grade.