Can you play any sport anywhere you want on the playground?
No. You must play each sport in the designated area and follow the rules.
How many students can use the restroom at a time? When should you go?
You may go when I'm not giving instructions
What is 7 x 9?
golden retriever
What do you do if you want to talk to counselor or the principal?
You must ask mrs. helgeson first to arrange a time to meet with them.
Can you take personal items outside?
Yes. You can NOT bring electronics, breakable items, or food/drinks.
Stuffed animals, drawing notebooks, basketballs, soccer balls, etc. are allowed.
Can you keep your chromebook in your cubby or desk drawer?
No, they must go in the chromebook cart before dismissal.
What does a right angle look like?
Where does mrs. helgeson live?
Describe what it looks like to walk in the hallway.
1. zero voice
2. face forward
3. single file line
4. hands by your side
Name 3 recess paras
Mrs. Basmeh
Miss Alicia
Mrs. Eakin
Mr. Flores
Mr. A
Ms. Kring
talking while the teacher is talking
making noises, singing, or humming
walking around the classroom while I'm teaching
shouting out answers
bugging or touching other students
tapping your pencil or pen on the desk
What is one of Mrs. Helgesons favorite sports teams?
uw huskies
phoenix suns
seattle mariners
Describe how you should act when you need to use the restroom?
2. walk quietly
3. no fooling around
4. use one pump of soap
5. one or two pieces of paper towel
Can you play gaga ball this week? Why or why not?
No. You can NOT play gaga ball until Mrs. Hunter teaches the rules in PE.
Explain the procedure for when you come into the classroom in the morning
1. Put your backpack in the cubby
2. Find your seat
3. Look at the board and follow the morning to do list
What is 1,874-861?
Where did mrs. helgeson get married?
What are lunch expectations?
1. eat quietly
2. sit with your table
3. bring your lunch card
4. don't play with your food
5. pick up after yourself
6. stack your tray nicely
How far back on the berm can you play?
You can play all the way to the fence this year.
Where do you keep MY classroom books? How many can you have at a time?
In your desk drawer or on top of your pencil box.
You may keep only 1 of my books at a time.
What is Mrs. Helgeson's baby's name?
What happens if you yell, cuss, hit another student, or use violent behavior (throwing objects, knocking over chair, or desk)?
You will be removed from the classroom, sent to the office, and you will call home with me.
You may also lose privileges such as recess, free time, or eagle rewards day.