Be here, and be on time. Your ideas are important, and we desire to hear them and help them grow. However, we can't share in your ideas if you are not present.
How many bathroom passes will you get each 9 weeks?
All types! There will be days where our lessons are separate from all of your other classes. There will be review days where we work on things you have seen in class recently. There will even be ketchup days where everyone works individually on their own work with teacher assistance. Test days, organization days, fun days, iReady days...etc etc
Which of the 5 Ps does this go back to?
How will we take tests here?
We will almost always try to take our tests in our regular classroom, but there will be exceptions to this. Do your best! I will almost always be there to help you! If you need more time you will get it...RELAX
Maximize your learning by staying on task, carefully following directions, and engaging in class activities and discussions. Learn something today that you did not know yesterday.
If I have to write my name on the board, what does that mean?
What have been some of your least favorite things so far this school year?
Be kind or neutral to everyone. Be patient with yourself and others. Be respectful to yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and your classroom. Contribute to the community in a positive and uplifting manner.
If I have to put a check by my name, what does that mean?
Your parents are getting a phone call. I'm going to be calling parents weekly anyway. Let me give them all good news!
Jump into this class with both feet. Not for a grade, but for your own growth. Be daring, be different, take, risks, make mistakes, discover something unexpected, and create something you are proud of.
What happens if I get 2 checks by my name?
Bad losing personal time bad stuff.
Break Detention, After School Detention, Office Referral, ETC.
Let's not go there, guys. This is going to be a good year.