School Rules
Buses/Going Home
Mornings & Afternoons
Recess & Lunch

Name 3 ways to be SAFE.

Be safe with materials.

Keep hands to self. 

Don't share food. (allergies)


What do you do when you hear the fire alarm?

Line up in the back field and listen for directions.


Where do we walk when leaving school? 

On sidewalks and crosswalks only. 


How do you let Mrs. McGuire know you have to go to the bathroom? 

Show the bathroom sign.


When is homework due?

Friday morning, as soon as you come to class. 


How fast should get out your materials?

10-15 seconds


How do you show RESPECT to other kids at lunch?

Include others and use good manners. 

How do you show RESPECT with your words?

Use polite words and a calm tone. 


What do you do when you hear the earthquake alarm?

Crawl under your desk and wait for instructions. 


What should you wait for if you have to cross Territorial Rd? 

The crossing guard to stop traffic and help.


How many students can leave for the bathroom?

Only 1


True or False: The end of the class is the best time to talk to my friends.

FALSE: You should listen to Mrs. McGuire the ENTIRE time. Wait to talk to friends until we actually leave. 


How do I find out my missing assignments?

Look for your number on the "MISSING WORK" board.


What should you ALWAYS remember to do to be FAIR in the lunch line?

Stick with what you ordered.


Name 3 ways to be RESPONSIBLE in the classroom. 

1. Listen and follow directions the first time. 

2. Complete all your work. 

3. Own your actions. 


True or False: Remember to grab your jacket and backpack during a fire drill.

FALSE: Don't get ANYTHING! Just yourself- that's the only important thing!


What should you do when the bus is getting near your stop? 

Pay attention!

What RESPONSIBLE behavior should you practice in the bathroom?

Flush, wash hands, return to class in 2 minutes.

What are 3 things you should remember to bring when you leave?

1. backpack

2. jacket

3. lunchbox (if you have one)


What 5 behaviors are expected of a GOOD STUDENT?

1. Kind words

2. Work cooperatively with other kids

3. Follow directions

4. Listen to the speaker

5. Hands and feet to self


What should you do when you are FINISHED with your lunch? 

Raise your hand and throw away your trash.


Name 3 RESPECTFUL behaviors you can choose at recess. 

1. Stay in your own personal space. 

2. Help others. 

3. Use kind words.


What do you do when you hear "LOCKDOWN"?

Be quiet and listen to Mrs. McGuire


What is the BEST way to stay safe on the bus?

Stay seated and face forward.


Name 3 ways to be RESPECTFUL in the bathroom. 

1. Use a quiet voice

2. Give others privacy

3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.


Name 5 things you should do when you come to class.

1. Use the bathroom

2. Make a lunch choice

3. Read or draw quietly

4. Get pencils/materials ready

5. Fill my water bottle


Name 3 behaviors you should practice in the HALLWAY.

1. Voices off

2. Walk, facing forward

3. Stay in your line order


Name 3 ways to be SAFE at recess?

1. Walk on the black top

2. Keep hands and feet to self

3. Use the equipment safely


What is the Golden Rule of respect?

Treat others like you want to be treated. 


What do you do if you are in the bathroom during a LOCKDOWN drill?

Get in a stall, lock it and stand on the toilet.


Why do we use CALM voices on the bus?

So the bus driver can concentrate. 


Name the 4 BEST times to use the bathroom?

1. Before school

2. On the way to/from PE

3. Recess

4. Lunch


Name 3 things that we do BEFORE dismissal.

1. Clean up

2. Enter house points enter checkbooks

3. Closing circle


Name 4 ways Mrs. McGuire will get your attention.

1. Ringing the bell

2. Flickering the lights

3. Clapping

4. Singing part of a song or spell


Name 3 ways to be RESPECTFUL & RESPONSIBLE at recess.

1. Play fairly

2. Line up immediately when you hear the whistle

3. Talk to a recess adult if there is a problem that you can't handle.