The WOLF Way
Other Procedures/Rewards
Lining Up/ Cafeteria

How should you act towards others?

Be kind and courteous to others


How do I get a new pencil?

Raise your pencil in the air, and when I say, you may get up quietly. Put the one that needs to be sharpened in the cup,and grab a new pencil from the sharpened cup. 

What happens first if you choose to not follow the WOLF WAY?

You will get a warning first, next time you will fill out a Think Sheet at recess.


What if Mrs. Gunter catches me following the Wolf Way without being reminded?

You may earn a ticket for Friday's raffle.


How should I line up ALWAYS?

Line order, Facing Forward, no talking, and hands to myself, staying in the first white tile.


What should you remember to do with toys that you bring to the classroom?

Keep all toys at home or the teacher can take them away and give them back to you on the last day of school.


When can you get out of your seat?

When you raise your hand and Mrs. Gunter calls on you and says it is okay.


What happens if you continue to not follow the WOLF Way?

You will walk laps at recess and your parents will be notified OR you will write the Southlake Creed, repeatedly during your recess time.


What is an example of "using my time wisely?"

Working on unfinished work, reading quietly, taking an AR test, studying spelling words, studying math facts. 


What should I do if I see someone I know in the hall way?

Wave and smile without talking


What should you do with other your own or people's things?

Respect yours or other's property


When can I use the restroom?

Before the bell rings at 9:30, and at our restroom break after recess. 


What is the WOLF Way arrival procedures?

Every day I come into the classroom, I hang up my backpack and get my books and binder out of my backpack, then find my seat. I work on my morning seat work until 9:30.  If I need a restroom break, I take it at this time.


What if my class gets a compliment from another adult, besides my teacher for following hallway or lunch procedures?

We get to color in a MOON!


Can I talk in the cafeteria during lunch?

I can talk using a level 2 voice level, but only to my next door neighbors.


What should you do when Mrs. Gunter gives you a direction?

Listen and Follow Directions the First Time Given. That is the WOLF Way and being responsible.


Where do I turn in finished assignments?

The "turn in tray" on the counter OR if your teacher chooses, the Paper Collector will pick them up.


What is the WOLF Way procedure for morning announcements?

When the morning announcements come on, I will stand for the pledges and stay SILENT during the Minute of SILENCE. I will participate by repeating the South Lake creed.


What are the procedures for end of the day jobs?

At 3:30 and if you have an end of the day job, you will fulfill your responsibilities.  


What are the restroom procedures?

Upon returning from recess, the group who comes in quietly and starts on XtraMath and IXL, will use the restroom first. For the next few days, we MAY take whole class restroom breaks.


I really want to talk to my friends during lesson time but should I?

You can talk to your friends at recess. During lesson time you should be listening.


What should I do when I hear the beep, beep, beep of the intercom?

Voices off and point to the speaker.


What if I am not following the WOLF Way at recess?

You will walk 5-10 laps around the perimeter of the playgound.


What are the dismissal procedures?

Beginning at 3:40, it is quiet reading time while all are being dismissed. I will walk laps at the next day's recess if I am NOT following this procedure.


When is recess over and what do I need to do IMMEDIATELY?

When the duty teacher blows the whistle three times.  I find my class line and get in my number order as quickly as I can and turn off my voice. I sit down and wait for my class to be dismissed inside.