What is the first thing you are suppose to do in the morning?
Put my bookbag and lunchbox on the hook
What is the first thing we do at the end of the day?
Finish up any work in ELA
Academic Success
What was the first activity you did on Thursday?
Created a name plate
What is the sign for pencil?
Showing 1 finger
After I put up my bookbag, then what do I do?
Silently walk in the classroom, turn in homework and sit in my chair
What is the second thing to do for dismissal?
Silently wait to be called by number to put my chromebook away.
What does the M stand for?
Meaningful Communication
How do we line up?
By your assigned number
What is the sign for water?
Holding up 3 fingers
Once I sit down then what do I do?
I take out my morning work notebook and complete my morning work silently
What is the third thing I need to do for my dismissal routine?
Get out my folder with my pacing guide. Let Ms. Briggs or Mrs. Andrade circle my citizenship for the day.
What does the P mean?
What is the sign for restroom?
(Show me)
What is the sign for tissue?
Hold up two fingers
I do this after I complete my morning work.
I wait in learning position silently.
After my citizenship color for the day is circled, then what do I do?
Wait until Mrs. Andrade calls my group color, get my backpack and lunchbox, put my folder in it and return to my seat silently.
What does the L stand for?
What are my Teacher names?
Ms. Briggs and Mrs. Andrade
What is the theme of our class?
Ms. Briggs or Mrs. Andrade takes attendance while we wait for this silently.
To watch the morning announcements and sing the National Anthem.
What is the last thing I do for dismissal time?
Wait until my group color is called and line up silently.
Unity and Service
What are two of Ms. Briggs and Mrs. Andrade highest expectations?
Respect each other and don't talk while Ms. Briggs and Mrs. Andrade are talking
What does D.E.A.R mean?
Drop Everything and Read