Points & Paychecks
In Class

It is okay for me to talk to my friends during end of the day transition.

True or False 



You can earn a total of ____ points each day.

a. 17

b. 1000

c. 17 and a half

d. 100

d. 100


Class store will be on Fridays.

True of False



What do you need to do before getting out of your seat?

a. Nothing, go right ahead

b. Raise hand and ask

c. Do a back flip

d. Do 2 back flips

b. Raise hand and ask


You return to class from a meeting with your counsellor and you notice there is a student sitting where you were sitting, what should you do?

a. Ask a teacher for help

b. Yell at them to move

c. Stare at them until them move

d. Ask them politely if you can have your seat back

a. Ask a teacher for help 


d. Ask them politely if you can have your seat back


Which of the following is expected behavior when lining up after recess?

a. Touching the person in front of me

b. Wandering out of line

c. Keeping my hands to myself

d. Talking to the person behind me

c. Keeping my hands to myself


When you earn 100 points in a day that earns you ____ dollars.

a. $2.00

b. $17.00

c. Nothing

d. $0.50

a. $2.00


Which is the MOST appropriate response when presented with work you don't want to do?

a. Rip up the work and storm out of the classroom

b. Ask to take a couple minutes outside

c. Put your head down and take a nap

B. Ask to take a couple minutes outside


What is a type of game not allowed on the computer at school?

a. sports games

b. math games

c. games with guns, shooting or blood

d. There aren't any restrictions

c. games with guns, shooting or blood


Another student in class is starting to get upset while working on an assignment, what is the BEST response?

a. Make faces at them

b. Let the staff handle it

c. make provoking comments

d. put your head down and take a nap

b. Let the staff handle it


When getting lunch, you need to remain with ______ at all times.

a. Your friend

b. Your staff

c. Lebron James

d. A parent

b. Your Staff


What is one reason that someone might lose money on their paycheck?

a. Following directions

b. Lining up for recess

c. Eating lunch too fast

d. Breaking school property

d. Breaking school property


I can get out of my seat to get materials whenever I need them.

True of False



Which of the following is the MOST important reason for following classroom rules?

a. to avoid losing points

b. to make sure everyone in class has a positive learning experience

c. to impress your family

d. to keep the classroom clean and organized 

b. to make sure everyone in class has a positive learning experience


While in class, another student says something inappropriate/threatening to you so the staff cannot hear. How should you respond?

a. say something inappropriate back

b. yell out that so and so if being inappropriate

c. raise your hand and ask to check in with a staff 

d. ignore them

c. raise your hand and ask to check in with a staff


What should be done after eating breakfast during morning transition?

Clear and throw away garbage


How does someone earn a study hall?

Less than a score of 65 for the day


The classroom is getting too noisy, you can ____.

a. Tell everyone to be quiet

b. Put your head down and take a nap

c. Storm out of the classroom

d. Ask to work in the backroom/outside

d. Ask to work in the backroom/outside


What is something that could earn someone stay back from the field trip?

slurs, bullying, aggression, extreme noncompliance 

You had a the worst morning you can remember, you didn't get any sleep and first period is going to be your least favorite subject, what is the BEST way to help make the day easier?

a. Put your head down and sleep all day

b. check in with a staff about what happened

c. Try and force your way through the day anyway

d. Nothing can make it better

b. check in with staff about what happened


What are 2 activities you could do during afternoon transition?

Read, put your head down, color/draw, desk toy, fidget

What is one reason why a paycheck would be banked? (school saves the money instead of giving it to you)

You asked for it or you are on stay back for the week


What is something you can do in class to earn bonus points?

Stay focused on work, participate in lesson, help another classmate, reading during transitions


What is an example of something that cannot be worn at school?

red clothing, raiders gear, 49ers gear


While the teacher is talking you look and notice that your pencil has broken, what should you do?

a. get up and use the electric pencil sharpener

b. try and throw the broken pencil into the trash

c. call out that your pencil is broken

d. Raise your hand and ask to get a new pencil

d. Raise your hand and ask to get a new pencil