When you enter the classroom, where should you store your backpacks?
In the backpack area/cubbies
What's the first thing that we work on at the start of the day?
Morning Work/Bell Ringer
What is the first class rule?
Stay Safe
If your off task, what is the first consequence?
I will receive a reminder of the appropriate bahavior.
Finish this statement:
"Treat others the ____________________."
way you want to be treated
Where should you store your headphones, folders, and composition books?
Inside of desks
Where do you go during first block?
To my homeroom teacher's class
What is the second class rule?
Be Responsible
What is the second behavior consequence?
I will receive a verbal warning.
What are some classroom incentives for postive behavior?
Raffle Tickets
Beads for bracelets
Tresure Chests
Postive Notes Home
Where should I look to see what activities are planned for the day?
On the board
Where do we go at 10:18 am?
We report to lunch
What is the third class rule?
Be Respectful
What is the third consequence for misbehaving in class?
Classroom consequence and student conference.
Name will be written on board for laps during recess.
How should we line up?
Quickly and quietly!
No Talking.
Eyes looking Forward
Hands to yourself.
Walking Feet
What's the latest time for using the classroom pencil sharpener?
After watching the morning news
What do we work on after lunch?
What is the last class rule?
Be Kind
What's the fourth consequence?
Parent Phone Call
What's the first/second thing you should do before dismissal?
Pack your things and clean your desks.
What should I work on first thing in the morning?
Completing my bell ringer
Where do we go after interventions?
Special Area
Why are class rules important?
It promotes safetly.
Teaches us how to be responsible.
Sets expectations
What's the last consequence?
What's the last thing you should do before being dismissed?
Sit quietly and listen for the teacher to be dismissed.