What do we do with our backpack when we come into the classroom?
Put our backpack on a hook.
When should we line up?
When we are called to line up.
How should we hold our Chromebooks?
With two hands.
When working on independent work, what should we do?
Work quietly a the correct voice level, try our best, complete all of our work.
How do we walk in the hallways?
Quietly! Respectfully! Responsibily!
Where do we throw away our tray?
In the HALLWAY trash can.
Before we get called to line up, what must be done?
Our desk area cleaned and chair on top of our desk.
What is one of the most important things we WON'T change on our Chromebooks?
Change our settings and pictures
When using class supplies, we will put them back where?
Where they belong!
Before going to lunch, we must?
Wash our hands.
When we are finished with our breakfast & throw it away, what do we do?
Wait at a level 1 at desk for further instruction.
How do we behave in the hallways?
When something is wrong with our Chromebook, when should we let Ms. Watson know?
When working with a group, how many people should work on the project/assignment?
How should we be when it's time to line up from recess?
In our two lines, hands to ourselves, at a level 0.
Wash our hands.
Where should we stand in the hallways?
On the right side of the hallway in our own square behind the person in front of us.
What websites can we get on?
Go STRAIGHT to our seat and not distract others.
How do we act in our other classes (Spanish, Gym, Music)?
Respectfully: voices quiet, listen to the teacher, bodies to ourselves.
How do we eat our breakfast?
Neatly. We are not farm animals. :)
Where do our hands and feet go?
At the end of the day, what is the most important thing to remember to do with our Chromebooks?
Charge them!!
We will raise our hands to?
Speak and leave our seats.
How should we treat ALL other adults in the school?