Time of day you should arrive at school.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is 8am?
The noise level volume in the hallway.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is level 1?
The color of your uniform shirts
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is gray?
Should phones be powered on or powered off when coming to school?
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is powered off?
The place you go when you arrive at school.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
Are you walking in line or have free transitions?
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is a free transition?
True or False: You are permitted to wear jeans.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is false?
The person you are turning in your phone to in the morning.
(Answer begin with who is___?)
Who is your homeroom teacher?
The place where you eat receive your breakfast.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is inside the gym?
Are there free transitions?
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is Yes?
True or False: You are allowed to wear hoodies.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is false?
The place your homeroom teacher places your phone.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is closet?
The time you are marked late.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is 8:15am?
Should you run in the hallway?
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is no?
The length of your shorts, skirt, skort.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is fingertip length?
The time of day your cell phone will be returned.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is dismissal? or What is 3:15?
Piece of paper you need to get in the classroom when you are late.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is a late pass?
The number of feet you are walking behind someone in line.
(Answer begins with What is ____?)
What is 3 feet?
The kind of shoes you are not permitted to wear. (List 2)
(Answer begins with What are ____?)
What are Crocs, flip-flops, mules, open back shoes, high-heeled shoes and sandals?
If the phone is seen, then this person will take your phone.
(Answer begins with Who is ____?)