Gone and Back Again
Around the School
In the room
Symbolism at its best!
In case of emergency

Where do your backpacks go?

Where is the back of the room on backpack hooks?


What is our lineup procedure?    

We will always line up in Numerical/Alphabetical order, you are in the correct spot with the correct body language be silent, and be safe with hands to ourselves.


True or False: You can be in our classroom without an adult in the room. 

What is false? Absolutely not, there needs to be an adult in the room for you to go in. 

Congrats! You get free points! 



What do you do if we go into a shelter?

What is depending on the situation we follow instructions from the office?


What is our arrival routine?

What is waiting for an adult to greet you, walking in quietly, going to the backpack hooks taking out what you need, hanging your backpack, and quietly go to your desk?


Complete the following phrase:

"If you can not be trusted to behave at recess, _______________ ."

What is "you will not have recess."?


You hear the doorbell. What do you do?

What is stop what you are doing, voice level 0, eyes on Miss Glorioso?


What signal do we use to ask to go to the restroom?

What is crossing your fingers?


What do you do if we go into a secure?

What is we go inside if we are outside, make sure all exterior doors are locked, no one in no one out? We can still go where we need to around the school, for example, going to PE.


What is our dismissal routine?

What are storing items away in proper locations, every piece of trash is picked up, dull pencils are put in the dull pencil bucket, you are sitting quietly at your desk when completed and chairs are stacked on top of desks when you leave.


Our 5th grade rule.

What is "no one has the right to interfere with anyone else’s education, safety, or well-being."? 


How does partner work look in our classroom?

Partners are assigned via partner cards. There will not be any complaining and everyone will be treated with kindness and respect. 


What signal do we use to get a tissue?

What is four fingers up?


What do you do if we go into a hold?

What is clear the hallways getting into a classroom, it is business as usual, as long as we stay in our room? 


What is our morning work procedure?

What is eating your breakfast, reading morning messages to see what you can/must do, and getting ready to go to Specials?


How do we behave in the hallways?

What are Level O is noise level in the hallways, walking feet, hands to yourself, facing forward, and staying in number order?


What do we do with our personal materials?

You leave all personal items in your backpack throughout the entire day.


What signal do we use to get new pencils?

What is two fingers up?

What do you do if we go into a lockdown?

What is we go quickly and quietly to the sink corner? We stay silent while Miss Glorioso takes attendance, we DO NOT mess around and we absolutely silent.


How do you treat your others? 

What is treating others with kindness and respect?


What are my expectations for lunch? 

What is following all the school rules and procedures in the lunchroom?


How do we treat our classroom library books? 

We will treat them with respect, never putting them in our desks or taking them home. 


What signal do we use to ask to get a drink?

What is holding three fingers up? 


What do we do if we need to evacuate? 

What are: staying in class until directed to leave by the office, leaving everything behind, exiting quietly and walking quickly, listening for directions, everyone will follow the leader single file to the designated area, the teacher will be the last one out (doors shut, lights off, windows closed) and once we're outside, stand quietly so attendance can be taken.  

•If you're in the restroom, get outside and find our class as quickly as possible.