What is Ms. Santos first name?
How many numbers are in mastery grading?
True or False: You had ELD in 5th grade?
What sport did Ms. Santos play in high school?
True or false: Will we be doing written book reports in class?
Who is your 6th grade counselor?
Ms. Rivas
Who is your ELD teacher?
Ms. Santos, Ms. Gonzalez, or Ms. Ramos
How old is Ms. Santos?
What is the lowest score you can get on your assignments on Schoology?
What is the specific workshop we will be doing in our English class?
Writers Workshop
What does it mean to reclassify out of ELD?
You will be able to have an elective next year and not have ELD anymore on your schedule.
What university does Ms. Santos go to?
Can you fail my class?
What is the club that we will be doing in our English class?
Book Club
What is the principal's name?
Dr. Woods
What does it mean to be in ELD?
You have yet to master the language of English. Spanish might have been your first language. You just need the ELPAC to pass.
How many days will we be doing _____ workshop and _____ club?
3 days writers workshop and 2 days book club.
What does ELA stand for?
English Language Arts
Pass the ELPAC, pass your English class with a C or better, and pass the RI.