Dress Code
Class Rules
Lunch Time
School Expectations
Mixed Bag

What are our school Uniform colors?

Navy blue, white, red and blue or khaki pants


What is the best way to show the teacher you would like to answer a question or ask for help?

Raise your hand


How long do we have for silent for during lunch?

The entire lunch period


What do I have to do when I am late to school?

Go to the front office


What are you not allowed to do on the bus for fieldtrips?

Eat, yell


What must you wear on your upper body?

A school uniform item (shirt or dress)


What should you do when you have finished your work? A) scream “I'm finished!”  B) Sign up on the whiteboard to have it checked and work on Early Finishers tasks C) Read a book

B) Read a book


Who do you sit by for lunch?

The last person in a filled seat


What should you do when you have a problem or need help during the outside breaks?

Go to a teacher, (do not go to the front office before speaking to a teacher)


What do you do when you find an item in the school that does not belong to you?

Put it in the lost and found (sometimes tell a teacher)


How long should shorts and skirts be?

One hand's width above the knee


When are the two best times to ask to go to the toilet or fill your water bottle?

Break times (Snack and lunch)


How do I show the teacher I want to get water or use the restroom?

Cross fingers for restroom or or 3 fingers for water 


How are you expected to travel up and down the hallways?

Walking on the right side of the hallway, voices off, and tracking forward


 Name 2 things that we do at school assemblies?

Award students of the month, select gold star students, talk about the testing, sing happy birthday, talk about school issues


What is the consequence for not wearing proper school uniform?

call parent or borrow from CIS


Name at least 3 things you should do when you come into the school each morning

Quietly walk in hallway, put bag on hook, quietly read the morning board, work on morning work, read a book, turn in calendar 


Give two examples of behavior we should not be doing in the lunch hall?

1) playing hand games at the table 2) yelling 3) talking once the lights are off 4) lining up loudly 5) not saying please and thank you to the lunch staff 6) walking around without the teacher's permission


What do you need to bring to school if you are absent for 3 days or longer?

A doctor's note or excuse


Name two rules for playing in the flex space area.

Do not yell, do not play on the furniture, stay in your seat or spot


What school shoes are not appropriate?

No open-toe shoes or crocs


Name 3 things that should happen at the end of each school day 

Classroom is tidy, chairs up (or down Friday), walk out with class, Shake the teacher's hand 


What are the steps of what we should do when finished eating?

Wait for the teacher to dismiss, clear off trays, line up quietly outside the lunch hall, lunch helpers wipe the tables


Name three places around the school you might be expected to line up?

In the front of the building (in morning), lunch and breaks), Library, In front of your Specials' class, Outside of classroom (to go to lessons, lunch, and trips),  In parking lot (Fire drill), outside of lunch hall (before and after lunch)


What is the consequence for calendar not being signed?

After the third offense, no recess