All About My Food Allergies
Time for School!

33 million people in America and 1 in 13 kids have this condition. (Including some of you)

Food Allergies!


If our friends ate our allergen during snack but they want to play with us at recess, we could kindly ask them to do this so we can stay safe. Hint: It involves their hands!

They could wash their hands to help keep us safe!

A person we can go to at school if we feel we are having an allergic reaction.

ANY ADULT! Teacher, Coach, Nurse, Principal, Parent


A medication that we must carry two of. We use it if we are having symptoms of anaphylaxis or a severe allergic reaction.

An EpiPen! 

(What is an EpiPen)


If someone is offering us a snack that has our allergens OR if someone is offering us a snack and we have no idea what is in it, we can say these three words. Hint: It starts with no...


(What is no thank you?) 


People at school who we can teach about our food allergies. 

Our friends, teachers, and EVERYONE! (What are our friends, teachers, and EVERYONE!) 


The words we read on food labels to check if they are safe for us!

An ingredient label!

(What is an ingredient label?)


The word we use for when we teach people about food allergies so that people with food allergies can always be safe and included. 


What is advocacy?


Something you may be able to wear on your wrist so people know you have a food allergy. 

A medical alert bracelet!


Phrases we should watch out for on our ingredient labels. Hint: One of them could be "Contains Peanuts" 

May Contain, Contains, Made in a Factory With, Made in a Facility With, and more!


Important parts about life with food allergies that we can teach people in order to spread awareness!

Number of people in the world with food allergies, Signs and Symptoms of Allergic Reactions, What to do if someone is having an allergic reaction, How to use an EpiPen, colors for food allergy awareness, and more!


Ways we can teach our friends about our food allergies during the school year. 

Hosting a Red Sneakers Day, reading a book about food allergies, showing them our medical alert jewelry, telling them about Teal Pumpkin at Halloween, and more!


One very important thing you should remember NOT do when you are eating snacks with your friends at lunch. 

SHARE FOOD! We must not share food!
What is share food? 


It is important to teach people about food allergies because... 

It helps make the world safer for us and everyone in the world with food allergies! It teaches people to be empathetic and kind to others too!


Something we can bring to school if our friends are having a birthday party at school so we can join in even though we have food allergies.

A safe treat so we can join in on the fun too!!

(What is a safe treat?)