School-Wide Rules

Study Strategies

Feelings and Friendship

Who is Ms. Brooks?

What should your Voice Volume be in the hallway?
Voice Volume 0.
What do you need to do when you do not understand what your teacher or another adult asks you to do?
Ask a question or ask for help.
Name 3 feelings.
Examples: Happy, Sad, Scared, Excited, Angry, Tired, Proud, Lonely.
What is the name of Ms. Brooks's job?
School Counselor
What guideline/expectation are we following when we do our homework at night and remember to bring it back the next day?
After you finish your lunch, what do you do with the garbage?
Throw any leftovers in the trash can, dump leftover milk in the strainer, and stack the trays at that end of the table.
What is one thing you should put in your backpack every morning?
Examples: -Your homework. -Your planner. -Folders/Notebooks/Pencils.
Give an example of a compliment.
Examples: -You are a great friend. -I like your shirt. -You are a good listener.
What is Ms. Brooks's favorite football team?
The Packers!
This is guideline/expectation we are following when we use our manners or when we give someone a compliment.
What do you do when the supervisor blows the whistle outside?
Go directly to your line, students are in ABC order, and voice volume should be at 0 so you are ready to enter the building.
What do you use to stay organized and remind yourself of assignments/homework you need to complete each night?
A Planner.
Name 2 strategies you can use to calm yourself down when you are angry.
Examples: -Take deep breaths. -Take a break or a walk. -Count to 100. -Use a squishy ball. -Talk to someone.
If you would like to have lunch or recess with Ms. Brooks, what do you need to do?
Write a note and be sure to include your first and last name. You should also write whether you would like to have lunch OR recess.
Give an example of being respectful.
Examples: Using kind words. Keeping hands and feet to yourself. Raising your hand to talk.
Why is it important to have a Voice Volume of 0 during a tornado drill or a fire drill?
Fires are unpredictable and we never know whether or not it is a drill. When are voices are at 0, we are able to move quickly and quietly out of the building. We are able to hear any directions given by the teacher or a firefighter (if they do respond in the event of a real fire).
What are some study strategies to use before or during a test?
Examples: -Study. -Follow directions. -Read through directions carefully. -Take deep breaths if you get frustrated. -Re-read if you don't understand what the question is asking.
Give 3 examples of having GOOD MANNERS.
Good Manners are polite ways to do or say things. Examples include saying please, thank you, excuse me, I'm sorry, hello, holding the door open for someone, helping someone if they fall down, listening when someone is talking.
What is Ms. Brooks able to help you with? When might she talk with you or a group of students?
Examples of what Ms. Brooks may talk with you about are: -When you are feeling sad or angry. -When you are having a problem at school or home. -Developing friendships with other students. -Making appropriate choices. -Decision making/Problem Solving.
What are the four guidelines/expectations we must follow each day in order to celebrate success?
Respectful, Attentive, Responsible, and Appreciative
Name 3 ways you can be responsible and respectful of school property.
Examples: -Take care of library books and return on time. -Throw trash in garbage (even if it isn't yours). -Put materials back where they came from. -Keep the bathroom floor dry and clean.
What is it called when you decide on something specific to learn or achieve in a school year? It could also be something you would like work on improving or work on getting better at.
A Goal.
You told Friend A you would play soccer with her outside at recess. Friend B asked you to play football with him at recess. What should you do?
-You should tell Friend B that you already committed to playing soccer with another friend AND you could also ask Friend B to join you in playing soccer. You could also tell Friend B that you could play football together tomorrow.
When does Ms. Brooks have to tell someone else what you talk about in her office? When is she unable to keep your conversation private?
If someone is hurting someone else, if you are hurting yourself, or someone is hurting you. Ms. Brooks will have to share what you talked about with other adults if she is concerned about someone's safety.
Attentive means that we are good listeners. How can we be attentive with our eyes, hands, and our mouth?
We can listen with our eyes by looking at the person who is talking. We can listen with our hands by not having anything in them so we can give our full attention to the person talking. We also raise our hand to talk. We can listen with our mouth by having a Voice Volume of O.