Story Elements
What / How

What is the genre of the reading?

The genre of the reading is a play.


How long did it take to get "Sleeping Beauty" ready for opening night?

It took six months to get it ready for opening night. 


Why are all the jobs the same?

All the jobs are the same because they all need skill and hard work. 


How do you know that this reading is a play?

I know that it is a play because it has different characters, lines, and different scenes. 


What is the job of the director?

The job of the director is to put the whole show together. 

Why do they do rehearsals?

They do rehearsals so that the actors can practice their parts again and again. 


What play are they going to put on?

They are going to put on Sleeping Beauty. 


What is the crew leader's job?

The crew leader's job is to fix the music if it is too loud. 


Why is it important that everyone takes their job seriously and work hard?

It is important for people to work hard because if one person makes a mistake in their job, the whole show might be ruined.  


What is the setting of this play?

The setting of the play is backstage in a large theatre. 


What did the actors need to do every day?

The actors need to rehearse or practice every day. 

Why does the crew leader have to pay attention to what is happening on stage?

The crew leader needs to pay attention to what is happening on stage because they need to be able to fix any problem quickly so that the show isn't ruined. 


What is the purpose of this interview?

The purpose of the interview is to explain what a cast and crew do to get ready to perform a play. 


What advice does a director give to anyone wishing to be a director?

The director says to get along well with people and respec them. 


Why is putting on a play hard work?

Putting on a play is hard work because the cast and crew practice for a long time before the play was ready to be performed in front of an audience.