Discord & Friends
Among us

They say this ball is meant to be a heavy hooker and most people use it and is the second version of the previous one.

What is Phaze II?


The guy who decided for over 6 months to get discord and thought about getting it or not.

Who is Nate Smith?


This youtuber read a question from Henry B in a would you rather question about games and bacon.

Who is Sam Tabor?


A very insane sort of song by the famous Travis Scott written in 2018.



When someone finds a body in a hallway and camera's are on and someone sees it and tells them where they saw it happen at.

What is Security?

This is the house of a bowling center where you can get all of your work done and prepared for later on bowling.

What is the pro shop?


The guy with a lot of editing and loves a specific kind of food from many different places that have kinds of Sandwiches.

Who is Henry Barranger?


This youtuber games almost every single day and has millions of reviews and subscribers and that is what he does for a job.

Who is Zackscottgames?


(Daily Double!) The artist that made the famous song no more tears and was banned from Texas for 5 years for doing something he shouldn't have.

Who is Ozzy Osbourne?


When someone has to rush to the red button in the middle of the map so they can tell everyone they saw something suspicious or saw someone kill another crewmate.

What is an emergency meeting?


This major title has to deal with 5 different titles including the major title itself through out the whole week.

What is the world series of bowling?


This sound effect has to do with a specific drink and is said three times from this popular man that was bowling in the celebrity style of bowling. 

Who is DJ Khaled?


This youtuber is known to make lots of different baseball videos and was in the 2010 MLB Draft.

Who is Eric Sim?


These songs from the Exodus album was written about 7 years ago and went popular fast.

Who is Andy James?


The role from the imposter that lets them change form and confuse other random crewmates around the ship.

What is Shapeshifter?


When someone gets 4 consecutive strikes in a row in a game of bowling. 

What is a hambone?


This server was known to be called after two different things combined and no one would ever want to drink this kind of drink.

What is Cheese water?


He gets fired from Brian Ambs everyday and is the editer of Sam Taber.

Who is Casey Bechler?


The album written back in the 1980's from a very popular band called Def Leppard with hysteria and photograph.

What is Pyromania?


This map is the newest and is also a very mushroom ish type of map with the beach and unique tasks.

What is the Fungi?


This pro bowler was a 19 tour title hall of famer and has been bowling on the pro tour for at least 30 years now!

Who is Chris Barnes?

The game that usually is played my most people when they are on discord for great laughs and fun guesses.

What is Garlic Phone?


This youtuber was known to be raging almost every 5 seconds when it comes to video games and most people think it's hilarious.

Who is iShowspeed?


This dude used to be the lead drummer of Metallica and was banned after a few years because of drinking. Now he's part of this new band that he was a singer for the last 30 years.

Who is Dave Mustane?


The roll when people aren't imposter but can still use the vents. (Don't reveal you can use the vents even your not imposter)

What is the Engineer?