How much time is in a light year?
What is the name of the pokemon that is just a couple keys?
What is my favorite Bird?
Great crested grebe or white throated toucan
What is a country that can describe describe your mood and what type of car you drive?
How long was the seven years war?
9 years
If an astronaut and screams in space and theres no one around to hear it, does he actually make a noise?
what is orange and sounds like parrot
How do flamingos turn pink?
From eating shrimp that eats algae that turns them pink.
what is a country that describes someone's sexuality and how many of them there are?
when was the war of 1812
1812 - 1815
How do you get clean in the vacuum of space?
you take a meteor shower
what Yu-Gi-Oh dragon has five heads?
five headed dragon.
It has a long neck, a name of a bird, feeds on ships cargo, and is not alive. What is it?
A Crane
what is Italy in the shape of?
a Boot.
Silk, Spices, Shiny Stones, Tea, and Porcelain
Where do you go when you need space?
What is the solution to every problem in DND?
In movies the sound they use for Bald eagles is not actually what a bald eagle sounds like, what bird actually makes the iconic noise?
Red-tailed Hawk
What does Delaware?
A New Jersey
What ethnic group has been persecuted the most in history?
The Jews( WW2, The Plague, The crusades, Russian people being poor...etc)
what planet has been married the most times?
What can go through the Green Glass Door?
Anything word that has two of the same letter back to back
Give me a bird pun using a bird name.
up to interpretation
Who was the first Irish blooded president?
Andrew Jackson, his parents immigrated to the US two years before he was born.